Chapter 24

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I have NO excuse okay. NO EXCUSE. All I can do is apologise over and over about how awfully late this upload is, and how bad I feel about making you wait so long.

The truth is, I've just been plain lazy. And then whenever I went to write something, my mind would jsut freeze up and I couldn't think of anything to say. So I didn't. I avoided it. But I felt so awful about making you wait so I've managed to get this down. 

It's absolute shit though...probs one of my worst chapters...but at least it's something? 

Seriously, I am so so so so so so sorry! 

please forgive me?

ANYWAY on with the story.

try and find something good about this chapter?


Chapter 24

Emily’s P.O.V

Sunlight streamed across my face as my eyelids fluttered open. I blinked rapidly for a few moments whilst my eyes adjusted, before slowly sitting up in my bed. I looked to my side and frowned. Hadn’t Harry come in last night and stayed here? There was no sign of him. I carefully swung my legs off the bed, bracing them against the floor before slowly pushing myself up off the bed. Once I was standing, I stretched out each of my legs in turn, wincing slightly as the bones clicked together. Despite it still being quite painful to move them, they were nowhere near as painful as they had been when I woke yesterday morning.

God had it only been yesterday? It felt like all of that happened about a million years ago.

Sighing, I began to shuffle towards the door, stopping for little breaks every metre or so. The effort of moving my aching body was really quite tiring, and my lungs were still hurting, I guess from the massive run I did the other night…

I shook my head to get rid of the memories, pulling my door open to see Harry in the kitchen, the chef’s hat perched on top of his head.

“Morning!” He chirped, smiling at me from next to the cooker. I caught a whiff of bacon, and an angry growl was heard from my stomach. I placed my hand on it, and chuckled embarrassedly.

“Someone’s hungry.” Harry smirked, turning the bacon over.

“Starving!” I told him, shuffling over and pulling myself up onto one of the bar stools. Just as I spoke, there was the sound of a door and I turned to see Eleanor emerge out of the boy’s bedroom, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her hair was a mess and she was only wearing a pair of knickers and one of Louis’ baggy tops.

“Rough night?” Harry smirked, slipping the bacon onto a plate for me.

“Oh shut up.” She groaned, hopping up onto a stool next to me.

“Wait…if you two…” I started, pointing towards the bedroom, “Where did you…?” I asked again, this time pointing at Harry. Surely Harry wouldn’t have been in there. That’s just gross. Eleanor snorted and Harry let out a chuckle, both of them laughing at my confused expression.

“I slept on the sofa,” Harry finally managed to get out, smirking at me. But wait…how did I not see him when I came out here to get the sleeping pills? Oh well, he is a heavy sleeper to be honest, and it was pretty dark. I shrugged and then held my hands out eagerly towards Harry. He rolled his eyes at my childishness, yet he slipped some bacon and eggs onto a plate and passed it over to me.

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