Chapter 9

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SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG! I've had loads of work and stuff!

But here's the next chapter! :)

Oh and btw, the picture at the side is Emily :')



Chapter 9

Emilys P.O.V

It’s now, and I really can’t sleep. Everyone else went to sleep about two hours ago, but my body seems incapable of doing so right now. I shifted about under my blanket, so that I was now lying on my side. It’s not even like there is something on my mind, bugging me so I can’t sleep. Instead, I am just lying here, thinking of nothing, able to do nothing.

Anyone ever told you that counting sheep helps you sleep? Don’t listen to them. They are wrong. ARGH this is torture. You know what? Fuck sleeping. I’m going to go have some toast.

I snapped my eyes open, but the sight in front of me left me breathless. Emily’s face lay inches away from mine. Her lips were slightly parted, and her hair lay messily around her face. God she’s so beautiful. Every time she breathed out, her warm breath blew across my face, causing a smile to spread across my cheeks. Today, well yesterday, had been an amazing day. She is genuinely one of the nicest people I have ever met. I could tell that she was nervous at first, but as the day progressed, I could see her become more relaxed and comfortable with us. It made me happy, to think that she felt comfortable to act herself around us; to not feel as though she needs to put on some fake persona just because we are famous.

Sighing, I threw the blanket off me and made my way out to the kitchen. I made up the toast, buttered it, and sat myself down at the bar. As I ate, I let my mind wander back to Emily. She had looked today…well, amazing. I don’t even know how to describe it. Her beauty was natural. She wasn’t one of these girls who puts about 3 inches on make up on. That just makes girls look so fake and plastic. But Emily isn’t like that. I like her. That much is obvious. But I can sense that my feelings for her are growing stronger. I’ve had girlfriends in the past, but this feels different. I don’t know how to describe how it feels. It’s just… different.

Swallowing my last bite, I picked up my plate and shoved it into the dishwasher. I made my way back into the cinema room, and navigated my way back to where I had been ‘sleeping’’, trying to avoid all the bodies sprawled across the floor.

I found my spot and plopped back down, pulling my blanket around me again. I turned onto my side, and gazed at her beautiful face. I didn’t know this was possible, but I think she looks even better right now. All make up gone, with her hair tangled wildly and her face muscles completely relaxed. She just looks so young and vulnerable.

I could feel my heart start to quicken just from looking at her. Watching her sleeping, breathing, her eyes moving slightly under her lids; I could stay like this forever. There’s definitely something here. I haven’t been able to get her out of my head since that time I first met her by Starbucks, and boy am I glad that I made sure to see her again.

I thought back to the day. Every time we had touched, my heart had quickened slightly. She had just felt so perfect, lying across my chest, sleeping softly. And when I had grabbed her hand, it was like a shock of electricity was shot up my arm.

I know she was hiding something from us earlier. It was easy to detect the fact that she was avoiding all our questions about her past. And the ones she did answer, she only gave short and brief answers. There’s definitely something she’s not telling. A frown appeared on my forehead as I stared at her more intently. Although she had relaxed with us, she was holding something back, and I don’t want that. I want her to be completely comfortable and feel as though she can tell us anything. It’s not right to keep everything in. From what she’s told us too, it seems as though she is here in London completely on her own. She only looked about 16 or 17. How could her parents just let her move to London?

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