Chapter 23

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So I know what you are all thinking....about bloody time, right? I'M SORRY! Truly I am. You don't even realise how guilty I feel for mkaing you wait so long for the next chaprer. I'm so sorry.

I BLAME THE OLYMPICS. They are just so addicting. I've been watching them non stop! Don't know about you guys, but I am so proud to be British after everything that happened! And weren't our boys bloody brilliant when they performed at the closing ceremony? God, proud is an understatement. 

ANYWAYS, here is the much awaited chapter. Enjoy.


Harrys P.O.V

The feeling of urgency had evaporated and I suddenly felt exhausted as I slumped back against the passenger seat. The adrenaline had left and I was just left with my throbbing knuckles and a slight headache. However, I had a great feeling of satisfaction. He got exactly what he deserved. Well, I personally thought the prick deserved to get killed, but that might have been taking it a bit too far.

My lack of sleep the previous night was beginning to catch up with me and I felt my eyelids drooping as Louis slowly drove back across London. We hadn’t uttered a word since getting into the car; both of our minds were tired from having to process all of what had happened.

I was having difficulty getting my head wrapped around it myself. I had known we shouldn’t have left her; I just knew it. I couldn’t believe that happened to her, and I wasn’t there to protect her. I wasn’t there for her when she got home, bruised, hurt and scared. I couldn’t even imagine what would have been running through her head as she ran away. To have been put through what she was; I don’t blame her for thrashing out at me when we arrived home. She must have been completely terrified. I was so thankful to Lou for bringing Eleanor over. That was definitely the best thing for Emily. She needed a girl there for her when she woke up; someone she knew she could trust.

In some ways, I’m glad she remembered. If she hadn’t she might have gone back to him, not realising what he did to her. A shudder rippled through my body as that thought crossed my mind. He might have tried it again. He might have actually succeeded.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the horrible images. She will never go near him again, so there wasn’t any point wasting my thoughts on it.

She did remember, and that enabled me to give that prick what he had coming. But remembering meant she had to live with the horror of what happened to her. That’s something I wouldn’t wish on anyone, especially her, what with the ugly memories of her past. Did life want to throw any more shit at that girl?

“We’re home.” Louis’ voice brought me up out of my thoughts, and I looked up to see that we were already parked out the back. I watched Louis reach out to open his door, but I grabbed hold of his arm to stop him.

“Wait,” I said as Louis gave me a questioning look. “I want to know.”

“Know what?” Louis asked, sighing slightly.

“I want to know how you knew where he was. How did you know him?”  Louis sighed again, and his hand retreated back from the door handle and went to rest on his lap.

“I…I…” He stuttered. I didn’t like him hiding things from me.

“Louis come on,” I said, frowning. “It’s me. I’m your best friend, you can tell me anything.”

“You’re gonna be mad at me though.” He muttered, watching his hands twiddling in his lap.

“I’ll never be mad at you Lou. Why would I?” I was confused now. What’s he hiding?

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