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 emmas pov

cute. that's all he is, just cute.

i don't have actual feelings for him, I can't.. He'd never feel the same way.

"what's on your mind?" my best friend turned from the swing to look at me.

she was one of the very few people who knew that i li- that i thought louis was cute.

fascination. just fascination. maybe less, but nothing more.

"louis" i sighed heavily. she gave me a weak smile and said, "you should tell him how you feel, he may just feel the same way." she said, usually it upset me that she recommended i told her i was too afraid to do so many times, but i knew she just wanted to best for me. "i'm not gonna tell him.. i'm not ready. And plus, it'll grow, and i'm trying to avoid that." i replied, not meaning to sound blunt. "i know you're not straight forward but he's good for you.." she trailed off, sighing, because it was

hopeless. i was hopeless. My dark hair flew around my face and i turned around as giselle started speaking again. "I know what you're thinking.." she told me with a serious look. i arched my brow, "doubt it." i replied in a monotone voice. "what you two have isn't hopeless... he likes you, i'm sure of it." she looked at me, a gleam in her eye and a small smile on her face. "i just... i can't see it. i can see us together but i can't feel him loving me.. i just don't feel like it can happen..." i stopped talking because i felt the tears spilling at the brim. she hugged me and apologized for bringing louis up. when we talk about louis, i feel different. i want to stop having feelings for him. i want to believe that this is just harmless fascination. It's so much more than thinking he's cute. he's gorgeous, flawless almost. he's so endlessly fascinating. telling giselle was a big step, and the

only other person who knows about my feelings is a stuffed animal... so yeah the only breathing thing that knows is giselle.

"you wanna go?" i mumbled to giselle, knwoing that she was used to my low voice. "yeah, sure." she replied breathily.

louis' p.o.v

i can't get her off my mind. she hasn't talked to me in a few days, tomorrow is a week to be exact. lately she's been acting weird.. like she's trying to hide something that she just wants to let out. we've always told eachother everything, so when i kept trying to pry information out of her, she sighed heavily and let a few tears slip out before she said, "gotta go louis, see you later."

and that was the last i saw or heard of her. my texts and calls were a basket case because when i texted her, she didn't reply and everytime i called, i was sent to voicemail. i know i'm frank, but how do i tell her how much i really love her when she won't talk to me? she's never liked anyone, or atleast she's never told me anything about a guy. for which im partially glad, because how would i bear it if she had eyes for anyone but me? it sounds selfish, but i have it bad for her. i thought it was just fascination, but it's so much more. i can't find a single flaw about her.. she just consumes my every thought. "you alright, mate?" my best friend harry asked. so far he was the only one who knew how i felt about her. "yeah, peachy." i sighed as i sent another text that wouldn't mean anything to the brown eyed girl who had no idea how much i loved her. "i'd tell you to give it up, but she'll come around, mate. promise." he told me, sympathy in his emerald orbs. "i don't know anymore.. i was ready to tell her but i've lost all sense of confidence. what if i was just setting myself up for disappointment?" i reply, rubbing my hands against my face. he smiled weakly at me, "que sera, sera, buddy." he said before patting me on the back and walking out of our flat.

great.. so what now?


a/n : soooo what'd you think?? i'm so excited to write this story idk why it just gives me good feelings.. and when louis rubs his hands over his face i forgot to mention it's a habit he picked up from em's father. and you'll get more info on that in the next part of the story which i'm currently re-reading 38598 times. i'm v insecure with my writing so i'm sorry if i take long to update. idk if this will get actual reads but just share it with whoever tbh.. i love you guys! :)

te amo, louis tomlinson // on hiatus //Where stories live. Discover now