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alright alright i'm doing this again but i have my next chapter half way done so it'll be posted not to long from now yey yey yey.

alrighty so i just read this whole story over and i realized how bad i started off and now i just wanna strengthen in and i feel like this story is the foundation of my wattpad and the career i'm trying to pursue because i see the flaws, i see everything that i wanna change and it really helps a lot because as i make other stories i know what not only i like, but what you guys like. i'm also gonna start asking for you to comment so i know what you guys thought, i love positivity and flowers and sunshine but i also want to know if theres anything you think i'm rushing into or not giving much insight to, but if you start to attack me saying im horrible, well thats not what i meant to begin with. i don't like asking for votes but honestly it puts a smile on my face all the time and i dont like sounding desperate for reads but if you could share it with whoever that would be absolutely lovely. i also will never ask for a specific amount of reads or votes to make a chapter because i write for fun and if i never get my goal then im just sitting here for months contemplating when im actually gonna get votes and stuff okay okay no.

also now for characters and more on who they are and what they look like because when i invision this story, i see something different then when i started it.

emma; she's very outgoing, vibrant, and expressive when she wants to be. she's had breakdowns and panic attacks that lead her to build up her walls and close up but as this story goes on you will see her in a different light. lively and unafraid, but she will have her taunting moments as this story isnt going to be perfect all the time and i just invent as i go along- bare with me.

giselle; emma's best friend and also has some interest in and from harry. she's witty, intelligent, loud, and also very expressive. she's not ashamed of her feelings and what she has to say. she is beautiful in not only her looks but her personality and way of being. she is fun to be around and her smile is contagious.

louis; he comes off happy-go-lucky with no worries but louis carries a burden on his shoulders from a young age. he lived in a house where you were shamed upon if you spoke your mind or did anything, really. he saw his mom being beat by his dad from a young age and he locked himself in the closet every night and prayed and prayed and prayed, that he would not be like him. his friends knew about his father and what he did, and louis was hated for it. he learned to not care about anyone's opinions after he met emma. he had a crush on her the day she walked in the class with wide, scared eyes and freckle-littered cheeks. he remembers the way her hair was tangled and pulled to the side, small fingers twiddling on her lap as she took a seat next to him. she turned to him and gave him a small grin, him giving her a toothy smile {YAY PREVIEW FOR A CHAPTER OF THROWBACK THIS GOT LONG} anyways, he fell for her completely. he still has trouble for everything he's seen and lost but cai helps him more than she could ever imagine.

harry; he came from riches to rags- unusual really. he had everything set out on a silver platter for him since day one. he grew up living in the lap of luxury. maids, designer toys, and as he grew, women. he was addicted to the feeling of being in control. he slept with anyone and everyone, he grew addicted to many more things that shame him now, but when he met louis, all of that went away. he gave up his addictions and stopped with the women and learned to not take advantage of what he had. he went to live with louis at 16, leaving his parents behind, they didn't notice him much anyways. the trauma still gets to him, therefore he gets a lot of headaches and can be impatient but he really is a great listener.

so thats all of the characters that i really focus on and i try not to be cheesy but sometimes i cant help it tbh. i also dont know if i wanna change caitlins name to something really cool because her mom was a hipster type teen with her oversized sweaters and old records and military boots and all that so heres three choices. [2/11/14 her name is now EMMA, her name was caitlin so voting is closed :)]

te amo, louis tomlinson // on hiatus //Where stories live. Discover now