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The day was cold and gray, dark clouds promising rain. Julian2 shivered in the crisp wind, following the trail that led to Appondale.

Surely it was warmer there, where the sun shone hot on the savanna. But the bleak sky stared down at him and he changed his mind. It was probably not much different there. He pushed through a group of tangled bushes, they tugged at his mane and got tangled in his tail. He snorted with frustration and untangled himself, the thorns pricking at him.

Appondale was empty, which was normal; it wasn't a popular place to hang out. A rattlesnake slithered across his path, and Julian stopped to let it pass. The conservation museum was empty except for guards, posted at the entrance.

Inside it was cold and still. Julian's hooves clicked on the marble floor and the tinkling of bells filled the room, making shivers run down his spine. He always had thought this place as creepy. He picked up a brochure. It was labeled, Artifacts of Jamaa- Conservation museum.

He flipped through the pages until he found the map. The phantom king ring was exhibit five, number three. He quickly found the glass case, his heart thumping against his ribs. The ring was copper, and once had been a coppery orange. But now it was encrusted with green. It was a signature ring, with the same signal printed on it as on the sword. Julian guessed the phantom king had worn it on a string around his neck.

He reached in his bag and pulled out a camera, snapping a photo of the artifact. There were footsteps and a voice growled behind him,

"No pictures allowed."

Julian swung around, alarmed. A muscled gray and tan arctic wolf glared at him from behind black shades. Julian picked up the photo that had been printed and held it out,

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't notice any signs."

The wolf glared on, ear twitching slightly. Julian shifted his hooves awkwardly. Then the tan and gray wolf let out a sigh and took the film.

"I'm sorry, I have to be extra careful with the visitors here." He pulled back the shades, all hostility gone.

"Someone's been breaking in at night, they haven't taken anything; but AJHQ has ordered extra security."

Julian frowned, he hadn't heard of this. Oh how the fans would love to hear such gossip. He pushed the thought away, this must be serious.

"Wow, sorry for the trouble." He turned to leave.

"Wait, aren't you that famous kid? The Jelly two guy?"

Julian turned around, biting back a laugh.

"Oh er, Julian2 sir,"

The security wolf laughed, "Eh, I'm not good with names," He held out a paw,

"I'm ThomasTin,"

Julian shook it, curious. Thomas tipped his head, muzzle grayed with age, "Hey, looking for anything in particular? I see you're interested in the phantom king ring." He nodded to the exhibit. Julian nodded, wondering if he should show this friendly guard the sword. Surely this museum worker would know something. He decided against it, he needed to be careful with who he showed it to.

"I was curious about the phantom king signature. " He answered, tucking the camera back in his bag.

"Trying to figure out a mystery,"

"Oh you're a mystery guy then?" Thomas chuckled, tapping the glass box with a claw; "Say, I met Deplindeer once; " He looked thoughtful for a moment, "He was a pretty weird guy,"

Julian was suddenly interested, "You met him? What was he like? Is... is he still alive?"

"He disappeared late last year, digging for ruins near Greely's volcano." Thomas twitched a whisker,

"As for what he was like," He chuckled again, "Crazed by history that's for sure. It was his first love, finding lost things. He also had a knack for talking too much nonsense."

Julian had been writing this all down, and looked up from his paper; an idea forming in his mind,

"Hey, do you know where he lived?"

Thomas raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah, way out of town; just off the border of Coral Canyons."

Julian quickly wrote this down, shoving the notebook into his bag; "Thanks for your time," He nodded to Thomas. The guard gave him a nod back,

"Sure, tell me if you figure it out." and Julian heard him chuckle and add as he walked out,

"Younguns', always trying to figure things out."

Julian hurried out of the museum and headed towards Coral Canyons, excitement tingling in his paws. So much was on his mind that he didn't notice he had walked right into a crowd in Jamaa.

Instantly fans swarmed around him, yelling excitedly. Julian hurried out, taking a shortcut to the Canyons. He was out of breath by the time he burst out of the forest, skidding in the red dust. He stopped to catch his breath. Now which direction? He decided to ask the cleanup clerk in Hidden Wonders. The young pale pink otter was overjoyed to see him and more than excited to help him.

"Oh yeah Julian, its up on top of the Canyon, above the den shop; no one's ever been there though. Everyone who has.." She trailed off,

"Hasn't returned." Shaking her head as if getting rid of a troublesome thought, she looked up at him with wide questioning green eyes,

"What are you looking for?"

Julian turned from gazing up the Canyon wall, "Oh, trying to figure something out," He scribbled her an autograph and turned, trotting away,

"I'll tell you later." He promised. It was easy to take the well worn path up to the arching bridge overlooking the fields of vast land below; but Julian had to scramble up a small path trailing at the side of the den shop. He tried not to look down as he heaved himself onto the stone, panting.

Up here the clouds drifted along the top of the wall, white and misty. Julian was afraid at the next step he would plummet down to his death. He tried not to think of the ominous words of the otter. Everyone who has... hasn't returned. He shivered, but kept to the trail, searching for clues.

Suddenly there was a screech and a whoosh of air. Julian snorted in surprise as sharp talons hit into his side. He was shoved forward, horror catching in his throat as he found himself flying to a cliff edge.

He reached out with his hooves and managed to grab a hold of the side, dangling from the sheer side. A few stones clattered off the edge and fell into the misty depths. Julian never heard them reach a bottom.
Taking a deep breath, he tried to pull himself up onto the cliff. There was another screech and out of the mist landed a giant bird, with wings the length of three times Julian's length; and talons like sharp curving branches.
Two eyes glittered like little black beads. Julian froze in horror. Who was this eagle? The bird raised a foot, raising it above Julian. He flinched, preparing for it to land on him, sinking sharp points into his skin.

But it didn't land on him, it landed with a thunderous noise in front of him, the ground shivering with its force. Only then did Julian realize what was happening. The rocks kept shaking, a crack rippling across the red stone till it ended at Julian's hooves. Then he let out a yelp as the stones collapsed and he was sent flying off the edge. The last thing he saw was a winged silleoette as he plummeted into misty darkness.

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