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The snow began to fall faster and thicker as the friends made their way down the mountain. Aparri took the lead, shaking snow from his fur every couple seconds. But it still clung to him, cold and wet.  They walked on in silence, each one tired, cold, and hungry. Aparri tried to concentrate on thoughts other than phantoms, bitter cold, and evil wolves. He felt a warm figure press up to him and looked down to see New Jammer. She was shivering, her fur covered in flakes of snow, and her white and brown pelt making her look nearly invisible. Aparri's heart warmed even in the cold and took off his worn, setting it over her back. She looked up and smiled at him with her sweet smile. Aparri's heart jolted and he looked away.
"Can we rest?" Wisteriamoon asked softly, stepping up on Aparri's other side. Aparri halted,
"Good idea" he looked around, spotting a rocky overhang. The jammers huddled in the small space, still silent. Just then Aparri's belly grumbled loudly. Everyone laughed. Wisteriamoon poked him,
"I wonder who's hungry,"
Aparri blushed with embarrassment, stifling a laugh of his own. He looked down to see that New Jammer had fallen asleep at his side. Glad that she was getting some sleep, he rested his head on his paws, shivering. Overhead the sky began to turn darker, the trees casting long shadows across the snow that had just stopped falling. Aparri blinked, was it that late? A wind whipped up, blowing the snow in their faces and piling it into drifts. The jammers huddled together in this new cold. Bepper spat and growled in frustration.
"Ugh I just wanna go home..." Her comment ended in more of a whine as she closed her eyes against the stinging snow particles. Aparri gently pushed New Jammer towards the wall, shielding her from the wind with his body. Wisteriamoon pressed close to his other side, her head low. The sudden change of weather made Aparri glad they had found shelter. A crash of thunder made him jump. The dark forest was lit up with a bolt of lightning. New Jammer whined behind him, and Aparri could feel her shivering.  He touched his nose to her head, trying to comfort her. Then it started raining, the clouds opening up as cold rain crashed down from the sky. Julian jumped up, looking frantic.
"We have to get out of here!" Fear flashed in his eyes as the rain started pouring. Aparri staggered to his paws, realizing the danger as the rain melted the snow and cold water began washing into the trench under the overhang. Skorm dashed out, his blue fur slicking against his body in a split second. Aparri shoved New Jammer to her paws, leading her out into the rain. Aparri let out a gasp as icy cold droplets penetrated his fur and soaked him to the skin. His paws sunk into the already muddy slush. There was a sudden rumbling and Julian let out a yelp, running into Wisteria and pushing her away. Aparri looked up in shock to see a tumbling river of brown snow hurtling towards him. He froze in fear; time stopping. Then he felt someone shove him aside and cold water showered over him; shocking him with its force. He stumbled backward and opened his eyes, gasping. He was standing under the overhang in knee deep water. A brown wall of water crashed in front of him off the surface of the stone. He immediately thought of his friends.
"New Jammer!" He yelled above the roar of the water. It faded as the meltwater descended and Aparri burst from the overhang, immediately seeing Wisteria, Skorm, and Bepper; looking soaked and confused.
"Where's New Jammer?!" Aparri demanded, fear clutching his heart. He'd never forgive himself if she was gone! Wisteria staggered to her paws, giving her pelt a rapid shake and showering Aparri.
"I don't know! Where's Julian?!" The fear in her eyes mirrored Aparri's. The thunder crashed and the rain seemed to fall harder, feeding the water that churned around Aparri's paws. 
"Over here!" It was Julian's voice! Aparri's heart lifted and he ran towards the voice, letting out a cry as he fell down a small waterfall and landed with a splash in a small pool. Wisteria leaped down a small rockfall beside the waterfall, Bepper and Skorm following. For a second Aparri hoped she didn't see his embarrassing fall; but then he saw New Jammer. She was lying on her side, her fur streaming with water. For a moment an image flashed in Aparri's head, of Julian lying on the shore. He held his breath. He let it happen again!
"New Jammer!" He raced to her side, rain mixing with the tears that sprung from his eyes. She opened here eyes and groaned, struggling to stand. Another crash of thunder and flash of lightning and the forest was lit up again. Aparri looked at Julian, who seemed to be in perfect condition, other than being wet and scared.
"Here, help me get her on my back" the striped horse knelt down. Aparri gently took New Jammers scruff in his teeth and heaved her onto Julian's back. Julian stood,
"We need to find shelter." He said firmly, setting off. Aparri walked alongside him, touching New Jammer's cold, wet, fur with his nose. This was all his fault! He wished he hadn't taken New Jammer on this journey. She had to be okay! The rain poured on, washing away the last of the snow. But Aparri realized the they had lost track of the vine. Now they were lost in deep forest. Chilled to the bone and half dead with exhaustion, the six jammers collapsed beneath a low hanging pine. Aparri closed his eyes, too exhausted to think. His thoughts whirled and he wondered if all this while journey were only a dream. How much his life had changed in only a week! Was this how it would end, cold and starving beneath a pine tree? He felt Bepper next to him and could hear the steady breathing of New Jammer. At least his friends were here, even if he'd let them down. Let them down terribly...
"Look!" Skorm's voice jolted Aparri out of his thoughts. He jerked open his eyes.
"Its a hut!" Skorm called, on his paws. Aparri blinked in the fog beginning to set as the rain faded.
"You're hallucinating..." Wisteria groaned groggily.
"No guys look!" It was Bepper this time. Aparri struggled to his paws and glimpsed it. A tiny hut amongst the pines, blanketed in mist.
"You're right! Shelter!" Julian rose shakily to his hooves, New Jammer groaning as she was moved. Aparri stared at the hut in wonder. Perhaps they were meant to make this journey after all. Perhaps Mira was on their side. Perhaps they were going to survive.

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