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Quick notice- This story will be finished sooner, due to my extreme counting problems. :T
It will actually be published (finished) on the fifth of Feb, after a huge stage of editing. Don't worry, a sequel is already in progress; so its not the total end. I'm also thinking of adding you guys into the sequel. *wink wink*
Anyway enjoy the chapter.

"I thought I taught you something!" Sir Gilbert dodged Dex's swipe of a claw and Julian broke from his trance, glancing around for his friends. They needed to stop The Shadow! And the only way was... He froze, information coming together like pieces of a puzzle. All these glitches were glitching other animals and places of the same glitch! Perhaps... He tried to sum up the information that he had discovered. But no, what was he missing?
"The only thing you taught me was how to abandon someone!" Dex's snarl made Julian turn. A wolf was pacing towards him, eyes glowing and face plastered with a malicious grin. Julian narrowed his eyes and realized he was missing the dagger he had rediscovered on the shore. He jerked his head. Dex didn't have it. The shadow... It must've been the Shadow's!
The wolf leapt and Julian was knocked over, feeling fangs dig into his shoulder. He gritted his teeth in pain and threw the enemy off. He needed to concentrate! Turning around he kicked the wolf away with his back hooves and noticed a patch of blue fur in the mass of bodies. Skorm? He couldn't tell. He wondered which side he was fighting for. Would he really fight against his friends? Julian didn't have time to dwell on the thought, a wolf was shooting a beam at him. Julian froze, no time to react. His bloom suddenly glowed and a force field of golden light stopped the beam, smothering it and throwing the wolf back with its force.
Above Julian was a screech and he looked up, freezing. A golden shape cast a dark shadow over the township. It was the giant eagle from Coral Canyons! Julian instinctively shrunk back. He had thought he had just been seeing things! But the giant eagle swooped down and landed on the diamond shop with a thump. Jammers scattered. But the eagle just watched. Then Julian realized. It was a glitched eagle. Just like everything else! All the glitches Sir Gilbert had sent to the land were returning for revenge! He watched in amazement as strange colored snow leopard, a half arctic wolf; half fox, and a non member new jammer tiger burst into the township. Julian took a step back, his wound throbbing as he felt blood trickle through his fur. Oh Zios, what do we do now?
"Julian?!" A familiar voice made Julian turn. It was TypicalRocky. He trotted up to her,
"You need to get to safety!"
Typical glared at him, "I want to help!" Fear flashed in her eyes beyond her shades. "Where's Skorm?"
Julian shoved away a black wolf and didn't meet her gaze,
Typical seemed notice his hesitation.
"What happened, Julian?!" Her voice was swamped with panic. Julian faced her,
"Skorm has made bad decisions," Typical stared,
"Tell me where he is!"
"He left us, okay?! He's on their side now."
Julian couldn't miss the pained look on Typical's face. He looked away. Typical had been such a good friend to Skorm. Why would he do this to her?
"Julian!" Julian turned as Wisteria yelled around the sword in her mouth; pushing through the fighting jammers. Beside her was Snowyclaw; her sword in her mouth as well. The usually kind and calm brown wolf gave a black enemy a cut on the ear and it scrambled away. Julian galloped up to them, standing back to back with them and Typical as they faced the army.
"Julian, what happened to you?" Wisteria swung her sword and knocked another enemy over. It yowled and fell, purple goo streaming from the wound on its side onto the dirt. Julian gritted his teeth, the pain in his shoulder making him wince,
"One of them got me. I'm fine," he swung and shoved another wolf out of the way.
"Where are the others? We thought you were all dead!" Snowyclaw was panting and her fur was dusty. Julian didn't have time to answer. A wolf was shooting a beam at her, and he leapt in front of her, his shoulder pulsing with agonizing pain. His bloom deflected the purple light just in time.
"I don't know," he answered. "But we can't defeat all of these wolves, because they'll keep coming. The glitch can only be fixed with...
"Guys!" Bepper was bounding through the tussle, a scratch above her eye. Following her was Aparri and New Jammer. New Jammer's eyes were wide with horror and there was a red smear on her cheek. Aparri's eyes flashed and he kept New Jammer right beside him. Julian guessed he didn't like that New Jammer was in the war in the first place. Above the noise Julian called out,
"We need to use all our powers and try to stop the glitch that powers everything!"
Wisteria glanced at him,
"But how?!" She sliced at another wolf, leaving it limping off. Julian sighed. He didn't really know.
"Maybe if we target the source of the glitch," he looked up at The Shadow that had begun to smother out Mira's light. They didn't have much time.
Just then the rest of the alphas burst into the township. Greely took action at once, leaping into the war. Liza was staring at the cloud of black and blue light in the sky. Somehow Julian felt guilty, as if somehow this was his fault. He knew the most about glitches, he needed to fix it!
"You did this to yourself!" Everyone turned as Dex backed Sir Gilbert against the wall. Sir Gilbert stammered,
"I'm sorry! It was your choice,"
Julian glanced up at the sky, trying to calculate. If they could use their powers to defeat The Shadow, it would cause another glitch; and in turn destroy Jamaa. If only they had a way to balance the equation. He shook his head. It would never work! There wasn't enough time! What was he missing? Another wave of pain rippled through his shoulder and he winced. He jerked his gaze back to Dex and Sir Gilbert.
Dex snarled and leaned closer to his adoptive father,
"You gave me no choice, and now I shall give you none."
Julian felt panic crash over him. He couldn't do it! He was going to let everyone down! Jamaa was going to fall because of him! He closed his eyes, trying to block everything out.
I can't figure it out!

Sorry for another cliff hanger. Its in the middle of a war, what else do you do? 😧😵😷

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