How You Meet

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Viktor Nikitorov

(Y/N) was walking to the inn which her best friend lived at. She opened the door and was tackled by a brown poodle. She yelled and fell into the cold snow. A whistle got the dog off of her. A hand helped her out of the show.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry about my dog," A Russian voice asked.
"I'm fine," The Japanese girl said as she looked up at the owner. Her eyes widened. It was Viktor Nakitorov, which (Y/N) and Yuuri looked up to.
"(Y/N)!" Yuuri called out and ran over to the two.
"Explain!" (Y:N) looked at her childhood friend.
"I'm going to be his coach," Viktor smiled proudly.

Yuuri Katsuki

(Y/N) was heading to her small apartment. She was holding a few books to her chest. She stopped and stepped out of the way to let some people by. The man in the front fell off his bike.
"Viktor?" She asked. (Y/N) used to do doubles with Viktor before she moved away.
The older man looked up. "(y/N)!" He pulled her into a hug.
"Hey," Yurio asked to the girl. He had met her a few times.
"Who's that?" (Y/N) asked as she pointed to the other man.
"That's Yuuri. I'm going to be his coach!" Viktor smiled. That gained a glare from Yurio.
"(Y/N)." The girl smiled as she held a hand out.
Yuuri just blushed as he looked at the girl, who was a few years younger than him.

Yuri(o) Plisetsky

(Y/N) was the adoptive daughter of Viktor. Yes, she was a teenager, but Viktor didn't care when he was adopting.
They were currently packing because Viktor waned to go to Japan and become the coach of this person he saw. (Y/N) decided that she wanted to go for a walk and headed out. She puffed out some air as some boy ran into her.
"Watch it!"
"You ran into me!"
"What are you two yelling about?" Viktor walked over.
"Dad/Viktor?" They ask at the same time.
"Wait...Dad?!?!" Yurio looked over at her.
"(Y/N) Nikitorov," The girl said. "You must be Yuri."
"..." Yurio couldn't get over the shock.

Jean-Jacques Leroy(JJ)

   (Y/N) pushed her hair behind her ear as she walked out of her college. She sighed as she started walking home. She still lived with her parents.
   She heard a few squeals and looked at the sound. She looked at the boy who was around her age. Her eyes widened. It was her childhood friend. He saw her.
   "(Y/N)!" He said as he ran over and away from the girls.
   "JJ!" (Y/N) smiled as he hugged her.
   "I have so much to tell you about," JJ said with a bright smile.
   "Then, why don't we go to the old cafe that we always would go to?" (Y/N) said as they started walking away, leaving the girls confused.

Christophe Giacometti

   (Y:N) rubbed her side as she sat on the ice. She looked at a hand. She took it and got up.
   "Are you okay?" A man's voice asked.
   (Y:N) looked up and nodded. "I am, lad." She held an Irish Accent. "I just fell wrong."
   "I'm Chris," the man said.
   "I'm (Y/N)," the Irish lass tells him with a small smile. "I'm the female Irish skater this year."
   "I'm the male Swiss skater," Chris smiled back at the girl who was five years younger than him.

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