NEW CHARACTER: Phichit Chulanont

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How You Meet

(Y/N) was watching her young brother as he skated. She didn't skate herself, but it made her brother happy so she tried to take him whenever she gets a chance. Her brother skate over to her and makes a pose. (Y/N) giggled and gave a small clap.

"That was really good," She tells her younger brother.

"Try putting pressure on both legs rather than just one," A new voice is heard.

(Y/N) jumps slightly and falls on her butt in surprise. A hand is held out to help her up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you like that," The boy said as he helped her up. "I'm Phichit."

(Y/N) gives a small smile. "I'm (Y/N), and this is my brother, (B/N)."

"You have a pretty name," Phichit stated, making (Y/N) blush slightly.

Asking Out

After that day, Phichit and (Y/N) shared each other's numbers and became friends. (Y/N) learned that Phictit's career was actually skating, which is why he wanted to give the tip to (B/N).

Right now, they were joking around as they walked down the street. They just went to see a movie that they both were waiting for for so long.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Phichit looked over at the girl.


"Next time you have free time, will you go on a date with me? N-not as friends," Phichit blushed and looked away.

(Y/N) gave him a smile. "If you're asking me to be your girlfriend, the answer is yes."

Phichit's eyes widened before get gave her a hug.

First Kiss

(Y/N) was doodling as Phichit sat beside her on his phone. She glanced over at him for him to glance back at her.

"Do you were get off that thing?" She asked.

Phichit blinked before putting the phone down and grabbing both sides of her head. (Y/N) gave him a confused looked before he pulled her into a kiss. (Y/N) cheeks turned red before she kissed back.

"Does that answer your question?"

Their Favorite Post with Their Lover

@phichit+chu You fell asleep on me, Phichit. I just want to play my game!

 I just want to play my game!

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You Meet Their Parents/Friends/Grandparents

(Y/N) was texting her cousin as she laid on her couch with (B/N) watching some cartoons. There was a knock on the door, and her father went to get it. He talked to the person before turning to her.

"(Y/N), Phichit wants you to go with him somewhere," (Father's name) said.

(Y/N) got off the couch and put on her shoes and put her phone in her pocket. She walked out to see Phichit and a boy with light brown hair waiting for her.

"(Y/N)! This is my friend, Guang Hong. Guang Hong, this is my girlfriend, (Y/N)," Phichit introtuced the two of them.

"It's nice to meet you," (Y/N) smiled at the younger boy.

Dealing with their fans

(Y/N) hummed as she walked down the street with her earbuds in. She was heading home from helping a friend pack since they were moving out of their parents house. She felt someone bump into her. She look one earbud out as she looked at the person who ran into her.

"Um..." They were staring right at her, well, more like glaring.

(Y/N) paled up as she back away. They took a step closer.

"Leave Phichit alone," the one who looked like the leader said.


"You heard us!"

Phichit was lucky walking by and saw this. He watched over behind (Y/N) and wrapped his arms around her waist with a smile.

"Leave her alone. I don't see anyone like you as my fans anyway,"Phichit said in a calm voice, which made the girls freak out even more. They ran off.

"You Okay?" Phichit looked at her.

(Y/N) pecked his cheek and gave her a nod.

Watching Him Skate

(Y/N) was in her room with the live stream on. She saw that Phichit was skating now. She smiles as she heard Shall We Skate? start playing. She watched as he skated along the ice.

Her smile dropped at the end when she saw that he was starting to cry. After he got off the ice and got his score, (Y/N) picked up her phone and texted him.

That was great. Don't Cry. ~ (Y/N)

Thanks. Love you. <3 ~ Phichit

(Y/N) smiled again as Phichit looked at the camera and blew a kiss for her. She gave a giggled, thinking about all the fangirls thinking that it was for them.

Big Brother AU

Phichit looked over at his sister, who just threw a ball of paper at the back on his head. He tilted his head to the side.

"What was that for?" He asked. 

The younger sister shrugged and leaned back on the couch.

"Are you sure?"

"About what?"

"Not knowing why you threw it."

(Y/N) tilted her head to the side before she gave a squeal/ Phichit was now leaning over her, tickling her sides. She started laughing and trying push him away.

"Phichit! Stop!"(Y/N) said through her laughs and gasps for air.

Phichit's coach ended up having to break up the two as he chuckled himself.

Break up and Make up

I'm sorry, but I cannot see him breaking up with anyone for any reason.

(Next will be They Make You Cry.)

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