Watching Him Skate

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Viktor Nikitorov

(Y/N) was sitting on the couch in her apartment, watching some reruns on old skating programs on TV. She crossed her arms and leaned back as she saw a younger, long haired Viktor come on screen. A smile came up on her lips.

Viktor started free skating. She watched as at the end, the camera started going around looking at all his fans. Her eyes widened when she saw a younger girl staring down at him. She paused the TV and started giggling.

The door opened. It was Viktor walking in. He looked at the TV when he saw his girlfriend giggling. He watched over and sat down by her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"What are you giggling at?" He would tell that she was watching old reruns.

(Y/N) smiled up at him. "DO you see the (H/C) haired girl?" Viktor nodded. "That's me."

"I remember having that girl run up to me and ask for a picture. Who would have thought that I end up dating her?" Viktor chuckled as he gave her a quick kiss.

"I want to see you skate again sometime," (Y/N) tells him. Viktor chuckled again and gave her a nod before unpausing the TV.

Yuuri Katsuki

(Y/N) helps coach Yuuri so she sees him skate all the time. This was the first time he was in a compation that she saw though. She was standing next to Viktor as Yuuri skated to the middle of the ice. She heard 'Eros' start playing.

A smile made it up on (Y/N)'s lips as she watched him skate across the ice. Viktor glanced over at the Russian girl(Yes, the reader in this is Russian.).

"You seem proud," Viktor stated as he whispers. "Not just as a coach, but as a girlfriend."

The girl giggled before giving him a quick and light punch on the shoulder. "Shut it, идиот*"

Viktor chuckled as Yuuri started getting off the ice. The two headed to him before sitting down by him as his coaches.

"That was great, любовь, " (Y/N) whispers to him as he looked over at her and gave a smile.

* идиот - Idiot

* любовь - Love

Yuri(o) Plisetsky

Yurio sighed as he practiced by himself. It was quiet as he skated across the ice and worked on his jumps. He stopped when he heard clapping. He was (Y/N) standing there with a smile on her face.

"Mind if I join?" She called out.

"No," Yurio called back before he watched his girlfriend change into her skates.

He skated over to (Y/N) and grabbed her hands. He started skating backwards, pulling her along. (Y/N) didn't skate that much, but she learned how to by her father wanting to teach her. Yurio pulled her close and started skating up and down the ice. They messed up a few times and just laughed about it.


"Yuuri, have you seen (Y/N)?" Viktor asked as he looked for his daughter.

"No, but that's odd. Yakov just asked me if I've seen Yurio," Yuuri stated before looking into the ice rink that they were by. "Nevermind, I found both of them."

Viktor tilted his head before looking into the rink. He smiles and got out his phone. He snapped a picture.

@yuri-plisetsky @(Your Username)
You two look so cute skating like that! ^^

The picture was of Yurio and (Y/N) holding on to each other as they laughed and joked around.

Jean-Jacques Leroy(JJ)

(I was listening to his short program song when I came up with the idea. His song is catchy.)

JJ thought he was by himself when he put his song, Theme of King JJ. He started skating to it. He started humming along as he listened to the song.

"King JJ?" A voice called out, startling him and making him fall on his face. "Sorry."

JJ looked up to see (Y/N) looked at him. He got up and skated over to the side that she was standing at. He grabbed one of her hands and put it up to his lips, bowing.

"And you are my queen," JJ tells her. "Queen (Y/N), I love you."

(Y/N) giggled, playing along with him. "I love you too, King JJ."

JJ smiled before pulling her into a kiss. "Next time I preform, I hope to hear you singing louder than anyone, got it?"

"Got it."

Christophe Giacometti

(Y/N) sighed as she looked at the scores of the female skaters. She wasn't moving on any father. She turned with her hands in the pockets of her country's skating jacket. Chris tried to cheer her up, but she didn't look at him.

Later that night, Chris was going to get some late night skating in when he saw (Y/N) working on what she messed up on. He skated over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She squealed in surprised.

"Chris! Don't scare me like that!" The young girl said.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be sad," Chris said before he pulled away. "Why don't I Help you?"

"But you have to practice yourself," (Y/N) stated. "That's what you were going to do, isn't it?"

Chris chuckled. "I don't care as long as you're happy." He pulled her along. 

They practiced most of the night. They mainly made Chris's routine into a doubles routine so he could get practice on his as  he helped his girlfriend. 

"Love you," He said as he pulled her close.

(Y/N) blushed a little. "Love you too." 

(A/N: I'm thinking of adding a new character, but I need some help figuring out who. These are the choices.

1. Georgi Popovich

2. Otabek Altin


3. Phichit Chulanont

Who would you like to see?)

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