Wearing His Clothes

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Viktor Nikitorov

(Y/N) was looking through Viktor's thing when she found his old jacket. She picked it up and held it up to look at it.
She smiled slightly before putting it on and standing up. (Y/N) wanted to a mirror and smiled as she looked at herself.
Viktor walked in and saw her in his jacket. Viktor stared before giving a bright smile and hugging her from behind.
(Y/N) squeaked before turning and looked at Viktor. Viktor smiled at her before kissing her on the lips.
"You look cute, люблю*," Viktor smiled at her with their foreheads together. (Y/N) started turning red.

* люблю - Love in Russian

Yuuri Katsuki

   (Y/N) was in Yuuri's room, waiting for Yuuri. She looked around before seeing his jacket. She stood up and picked it up.
   Yup, that's the jacket that he trains on. (Y/N) looked around before putting the jacket on over her shirt. She zipped it up and looked down at herself.
   Yuuri walked into his room to see (Y:N) standing there in his jacket. He blushed before walking over to her. Yuuri grabbed (Y/N)'s hand.
   Yuuri pulled her down onto his bed and pulled her to his lap. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck as Yuuri's head made it her chest.
   "You should wear my clothes more often," Yuuri whisper as he hid his blushing face.

Yuri(o) Plisetsky

   (Y:N) was looking at her boyfriend's clothes before seeing his tiger shirt. She giggled to herself before taking off the shirt that she was wearing and put it on over her tank top.
   (Y/N) stood up and looked at herself in the shirt. She takes a picture of herself and posts it on her account, tagging Yurio.
   Yurio saw the picture before going to where (Y/N) was. She was still in his shirt. Yurio walked over and pulled her into a kiss.
   "Why do you have to be so adorable?" Yurio asked as he didn't let (Y/N) go.

Jean-Jacques Leroy(JJ)

   (Y:N) was at JJ's apartment and was looking around when she came across his practicing shirt. She picked it up and thought of something.
(Y/N) quickly changed into it, knowing that JJ would be home soon. She sat down on his couch and started looking at a few things on her phone.
JJ opened his door, knowing (Y/N) was there. He smiled as he walked to the main room. His eyes widened at what he saw. His lover was wearing his shirt.
"You look good in my clothes," JJ said as he walked over and sat by her. He pulled her close and have her a kiss.

Christophe Giacometti

(Y/N) looked over at Chris. He was fast asleep on his couch. (Y/N) starts looking around when she found one of his button up shirts.
(Y/N) smiled and put it on over her shirt and buttoned it up, leaving a few buttons undone, knowing her other shirt. It was way big on her.
Chris wakes up and looked around before standing up. He walked down the hall before seeing (Y/N) in his shirt. He blinked before going over to her and throwing an arm around her shoulders.
"I think that's a little too big on you," Chris said before taking (Y:N)'s lips with his own.

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