Marriage Proposal

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(Pretend that you are now living together. I might do a moving in together scenarios later.)

Viktor Nikitorov

They were in Russian and had moved there. They were just in the small apartment as they cuddled up against each other. Viktor had his arms wrapped around (Y/N) as (Y/N) laid on him, her head on his chest.

"(Y/N)," Viktor said.

(Y/N) looked up at him and asked, "Yeah?"

"I have something to ask you," Viktor smiled at her a little.

"Yeah?' She asked as she looked at him. She tilted her head.

Viktor pecked her lips. "I don;t have a ring, but will you marry me?"

(Y/N)'s eyes widened before she pecked his lips. "Yes. Of course."

Viktor smiled and pulled her into a kiss.

Yuuri Katsuki

Yuuri walked along the street and got to a cafe. He saw (Y/N) sitting there, and he smiled and walked over. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Hey," she said.

Yuuri smiled back at her and sat in front of her. He seemed kind of nervous.

"Why did you want to meet me here?" (Y/N) asked.

Yuuri took something out of his pocket. The girl blinked as she saw him stand up and walk in front of her.


Yuuri got down on one knee. A few people looked over. The Japanese man smiled at her as he opened up a small box. It was a ring. (Y/N)'s eyes widened.

"Will you marry me?" Yuuri asked.

(Y/N) stared for a few seconds before nodding with a smile. "Yes!"

Yuri(o) Plisetsky(He's now 18.)

It was at Viktor's and Yuuri's wedding. (Y/N) stood by herself since Yurio had to go to the restroom, or at least that's what he told her.

Yuuri turned around and saw about to throw the flowers, but he didn't. Instead he turned and handed it to (Y/N). (Y/N) blinked and looked down at the flowers before back at Yuuri. Yuuri chuckled and just told her to turn around.

(Y/N) turned, and her eyes widened at what she saw. She saw Yurio kneeling down with a ring in his hand, holding it up to her.

"Will you marry me, (Y/N)?" Yurio asked her.

(Y/N) blushed before nodding. "Yes."

It didn;t take long for the news to spread because Phichit was snapchatting most of the wedding.

Jean-Jacques Leroy(JJ)

They were at a party with JJ's parents and many of his fans. They were slow dancing together when JJ stopped (Y/n) in the middle of the floor. People looked at them.

"JJ?" (Y/N) asked before she soon got quiet as JJ knelt in front of her.

"I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now," JJ said. "(Y/N) Ciadini, will you marry me?"

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