Aries: I HATE EVERYTHING!! *tries to break something but doesn't have enough energy to*Taurus: Eats everything then throws it all up right after.
Gemini: *laying in bed* I need to go to the hospital. I think Im dying. Im gonna die. Help me! Im gonna die!! THIS IS THE END!!!
(Tbh this me)Cancer: *inside pile of blankets and pillows* *tears rolls down cheek* the world is cruel.
Leo: *sitting in a pile of tissues* Im so disgusting,I can never show my face again.
Virgo: *on web MB website* OH MY GOD!!! MOOOOOMMM!! HELP ME!! I THINK I HAVE
PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOKONIOSIS. HELP MEEEE!!!! (This is me too)Libra: sleeps all day, occasionally wakes up to eat medicine and complain.
Scorpio: complains. complains. Complains. COMPLAINS. CoMpLiAnS C-O-M-P-L-A-I-N-S
Sagittarius: Tries to do stuff all day, only to make themselves more sick.
Capricorn: The most miserable thing on earth for them. *lies in a ball all day*
Aquarius: I SAID IM NOT SICK *throws up*
Pisces: Lies in bed, staring at the ceiling, surrounded by stuffed animals.
Zodiac Stuff
РазноеMerely your everyday type of fun yet odd book filled with the incomprehensible random "stuff" about the Zodiac.