Chapter 1: Ellie's M-mishap?

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Ellie was racing to her potions class trying not to be late, her auburn hair streaming behind her when she suddenly with a jolt ran into someone sending them both flying backwards. The boy winced as he got up from the cold stone floor and looked down at Ellie sprawled upon the floor thinking "oh my god I've killed her!" and he raced over to help her up. As Ellie groggily got up and rubbed her eyes the boys face came into focus. he had messy brown hair that went slightly over his eyes and his freckles were lightly dusted over his face like stars in the night sky and his eyes reminded her of the ocean. Ellie could feel heat rising to her cheeks as she embarrassingly mumbled sorry. The boy too blushed now realising that he was still holding Ellie's hand and quickly let go while saying something under his breath. Ellie looks up at the boy and introduces herself timidly "hi my name is Ellie" the boy shyly looked over at her and nervously rubed  his neck his as he says " my name is Newt Scamander but you can call me newt"  Well Newt what class are you heading to? I'm going to potions. Me too stated Ellie. we can walk there together Ellie said as she gave Newt a small smile, giving him butterflies. Ellie and Newt walked into Professor Slughorn's class five minutes late hoping their potions master would take no notice but to their dismay Slughorn yelled out where have you two been. Growing redder by the second Ellie stuttered "there was a bit of a mishap", and with that, the two sat far apart making Ellie feel a bit saddened.

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