Chapter 10

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Ellie's favorite season was nearing. She loved winter and how the snowflakes would dance through the air and fall on he eye lashes. Christmas break was also coming up and she had something special planned. Since newt was just planning on staying at school for break Ellie wanted to have him stay at her house. Ellie paciently sat in the Hufflepuff common room as she waited for newt. Finally newt casually came in whistling a song not realizing that Ellie was there until she perked up from the couch. Hey newt come over here I want to ask you something. Newt smiled and said sure what do want to ask me? As he sat down right next to Ellie making the both of them blush. Okay so newt I was wondering if you wanted to come over my house for break Ellie asked hopefully. Ya I'd love to newt said quickly with excitement in his tone I'll start packing my bags right away. Great ! Now don't forget the train leaves exactly at 11 o'clock. Okay I'll make sure that I don't over sleep newt said as he got up and started walking up stairs to his dormatory. Newts heart was racing he was nervous every about meeting Ellie's parents but over all he was excited about spending his vacation with Ellie.

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