Chapter 4: n-notice me senpai

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Ellie had gotten food from the great hall and brought it back to the Hufflepuff common room to eat in peace and draw elaborate pictures of all the different beasts that she had seen and read about. Ellie sat down in her normal place which was in front of the warm fire on the fluffy rug. Ellie thought about Newt as usual, she wondered out loud "I wonder if he notices me or what he thinks of me" "you wonder if who notices you" said a voice that surprised Ellie almost making her drop her food "I-I'm terribly s-sorry if I startled y-you" "no,no its its ok" replied Ellie as her heart skipped a beat when she saw Newts soulful eyes gaze down at her slightly blushing. "God he looks adorable when he blushes" thought Ellie her thoughts were interrupted when Newt asked "W-What are you doing down here a-any way I thought y-you would be eating with the o-other kids?" "oh I come here regularly to draw" "Oh" Er a-a what do you like to draw" Newt said starting to gain some confidence "I love to draw magical creatures like nifflers, bowtruckles, and hippogriffs." "Really, I'm quiet fond of magical creatures myself, may i see your drawings?" "Yes of course." Ellie blushed a little as Newt took a seat right next to her and started looking through her drawing pad. "Wow these are quiet beautiful Ellie" "thanks Newt" "Er Ellie could I tell you something" "yes of course Newt, anything" "Well I uh, uh r-really l-li.... I have to go" Newt couldn't do it He felt himself get flustered and he just had to get out of there. So Newt jumped up and ran out of the Hufflepuff common room feeling horrible, he was about to tell the girl that he had a crush on how he felt about her but he couldn't do it. What if she had a boyfriend? What if she rejected him? What if she didn't even like him? Newt had a million questions and he felt overwhelmed. Thoughts flew through his head as he ran out of Hogwarts and into the forbidden forest where he sat in a pile of leaves where a pegasus soon came to comfort him. As he sat there Newt cried into his knees. He felt so worthless and emotionally overwhelmed, he couldn't even talk to the girl that he had feelings for without breaking down. Ellie probably likes someone else already because why else would she say "i wonder if he notices me?"
      Ellie sat in the dormitories crying about why Newt just ran off when he was about to tell her something. Did he do it because he didn't like me? The thought of that made Ellie cry even harder. Ellie felt hopeless.

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