Chapter 8

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Newt lay in bed planning what he was going to do on his free day. Newt wanted to show Ellie this suitcase he had gotten from his mother, but it wasn't any ordinary suitcase, you see Newts mother gave it to him to just store books and papers about magical beasts but Newt put an undetectable extension charm on it which he was very proud of. Newt made it so big inside that he could store many different creatures in there at one time and still have room for a mini hut where he could do research or even sleep in there. And Newt wanted Ellie to be the first one to see it. Newt climbed out of bed yawning as he rubbed the blurriness out of his eyes and quickly got dressed. he then neatly wrote on a piece of parchment "meet me outside near the whomping willow" and gave it to a small little bowtruckle that he had found outside near the forbidden forest and named Pickett. Newt brought the small creature over to the girls dormitory door and had him crawl under it to deliver the message to Ellie. Ellie slowly opened her eyes as she felt something tickling her. A small little green thing was hovering over holding a note "Awe aren't you a cute little bowtruckle" Ellie said cooing as Pickett was enjoying the extra attention. "Now what do you have here" Ellie took the note from Pickett and grinned as she read the message. Ellie gently picked the little bowtruckle up gently and brought it over to the door where it easily got out and she started getting ready with butterflies in her stomach. Newt was waiting by the door as Pickett came out and he picked him up so what did Ellie say is she going to come ? the little bowtruckle nodded making Newt feel relived and giddy. Newt realized he almost forgot his case and Ellie's present in his dormitory so he quickly rushed to his bed and toward outside not wanting to be late. Newt carefully approached the whomping willow as he released Pickett to go calm the tree down and not kill anyone. After Pickett had calmed the tree down Newt sat by it nervously fiddling with Ellie's neatly wrapped present. Newt saw Ellie walking down toward the whomping willow and promptly stood up as he handed her the gift with a slight blush forming on his cheeks. "oh thank you Newt" Ellie gasped as she saw a beautiful sketch book with drawing pencils "it's beautiful" and she gave him a hug making his face turn even brighter red "I t-thought i should m-make up for what i did the other n-night I truely am sorry" "Newt it's ok i forgive you" "really" Newt said looking up at her "really" Ellie giggled giving him another hug. Ok and I have somthing else to show you Newt said mysteriously as he took out his suitcase and laid it on the ground. "A suitcase?" Ellie said raising one eye brow "Not just any suitcase common follow me" Newt opened it up and started walking down into into and motioned for Ellie to follow. Ellie slowly started climbing down what seemed to be a ladder till she got into a dimly lit cabin scattered with papers and books. " Wow what is this place and did you put an extension charm on that suitcase?" "so this is my little cabin with all my research papers about magical beasts and ya I put an extension charm on it" geez only a really powerful wizard could have done this suddenly realizing there was an outside too." Newt blushed at her comment. "Ellie would you like to see that outside?" "Would i ever" It was beautiful thought Ellie as she walked through the different areas that had different seasons such as winter and summer and each area had different creatures. Ellie's eyes opened wide in adoration when she saw a little tree full of bowtruckles. "Awe I love bowtruckles their so adorable especially the one you sent to deliver that message" "Oh you mean Pickett" and the little bowtruckle stuck his head of Newt's pocket after hearing its name

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