Chapter 14

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Sorry I haven't updated recently I just broke my leg in four different places and I had to get surgery so ya. Ps thank you my fellow potter heads and FBWTFT lovers for all theses views ⚡🌱
Newt and Ellie made their way over to the massive table that had room for at lest 50 people. Newt pulled a seat out for Ellie who smiled sweetly at him. Ahh you must be Newton said a distinguished voice that belonged to Ellie's father. Er... yes Mr. Lafleur Sir. Ellie's father chuckled you can call me John. Newt mumbled apologetically as he blushed. He was making a fool of himself in front of Ellie's parents. Newt rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he sat down and an awkward silence washed over the room only to be quickly broken by Ellie's father. So Newton what career do you want to pursue after you graduate from hogwarts? Newt suddenly perked up knowing that he could talk about his beasts for hours. Oh I love magical beasts so I want to be a magizoologist. Well then, I think you will find that the forest that surrounds this house a great interest to you. You see I to have a love for magical animals and that is why I have turned these woods into a magical sanctuary. I'm sure Ellie would love to give you a tour John said winking at his daughter which made her blush. The family finished the three coursed meal as they asked newt questions like how did you two become friends, what is your family like, and if he had any magical creatures of his own, which he promptly showed off picket who enjoyed the extra attention. Ok children time for bed it's getting late. Ellie and Newt groggily got up yawning for it had been a long day. Once they got out of the room newt asked nervously do you think your parents liked me? Liked you, they loved you I have never seen them act more happier about me having a friend! Really? Really Ellie responded. Anyway let's get to sleep I have somthing fun planned for Tommorow. Ok Goodnight Ellie. Good night Newt. And with that the two walked into their separate rooms.

Ellie's parents P.O.V.
John dear what do you think of Newton? Well thelia, I don't think that he is like other boys his age, he seems more shy and mature. Yes I agree, oh they remind me of us when we were young Ellie's mother happily sighed.

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