Chapter 12

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The train finally pulled up at kings cross station and Ellie and newt quickly took their belongings and joined the stream of people Ellie soon spotted her mother in the crowd of people. Right when newt saw her he knew that Ellie's family must be wealthy by the way her mother was dressed. She wore an elegant black lace dress with sapphires adorned around bottom of the dress. Ah so you must be Newton Ellie has told us so much about you. We are so pleased to have you stay over. The pleasure is mine Ms. Thelia. Well we better be of then we don't want to miss dinner now. They walked out side to a golden carriage that was being pulled by a team of pegusi. Newt gazed at the 4 pegusi in awe not even caring about the carriage. Ellie giggled comon newt they'll be here the whole time. Newt reluctantly clambered into the carriage next to Ellie his cheeks reddening. So Newton I hear that you love magical beasts. Oh yes I even have a suitcase where I put injured ones so I can take care of them. Right now I have a niffler a few bowtruckles an ocamy and a hippogriph and I'm still expanding. That is quite extraordinary Newton i bet you'll love the forest that surrounds the house it is full of magical creatures. Really newt asked sounding amazed yes and it is quite safe my husband makes sure there are no evil beings there. Ellie's mother and newt chatted about magical creatures for about an hour until he started feeling drowsy ms. Thelia said to newt I would probably use this time to catch up on sleep for the trip will take a few more hours both Ellie and Newt quickly drifted off into sleep.  Ellie's mother smiled as she saw her daughter curl up next to newt with her head in the nape of his neck and she remembered when she was there age with her husband.

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