Part 13

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Both children's eyes flashed open when the carriage landed with a jolt on the rock driveway Ellie and newt both blushed when the realized how they were sleeping and Ellie's mother returned it with a warm smile. Ellie smiled and stretched when she got out of the carriage breathing in the familiar scent and letting it wash over her. Newt I want to show you the room you will be staying in Ellie said excitedly as she took newts hand making him blush. Ellie's mother chuckled to herself as the two children ran into the house. It was beautiful thought newt there were paintings of nature and animals in every room and many different Windows some where stain glass and some were regular yet massive 5 times the size of himself. There was more than hundred rooms and there was amazingly beautiful furniture that was carefully hand carved there were also many house elves which Ellie explained how they were free and they were payed for working because her family didn't believe in owning and forcing someone to work without pay. And now knowing that he realized that's why they all looked so happy. After taking a series of rights lefts ups and downs they got to a hallways with just two rooms and at the end of the hallway there wasn't wall at all it was just a huge window that was facing the forest newt gazed out it. On the lawn he saw a family of unicorns with two youngsters that were romping around making newt chuckle. Ok newt so your room is on the left and mine is on the left. Ellie walked into newts room with him and showed him where everything was. Newt was fascinated how big this room was his normal room was 3 times smaller and this room was painted a light blueish green and had a dome ceiling. Newts bags were already placed next to his bed. Wow exclaimed newt as he sat on the ultra comfy bed which he noticed it didn't squeak like his other one. And let me show you my room Ellie opened the door and newt gazed at it in amazement it looked exactly like the room he was staying in yet decorated he immediately noticed a picture of him and Ellie on one wall and the picture frame had best friends engraved on it. Ellie's bed had a snowy white canopy over it and there were drawings and photographs of newts animals hung up every where. You like it? Ya it's awesome! Newt said picking a photo of his niffle of the ground as he chuckled to himself. Ellie newt come down dinner is ready come one newt I'm starved they both ran down the hall when Ellie stopped what are you doing? You'll see Ellie smiled mysteriously she pulled down a rope from one of the curtains making a hole open up from under newt sending him plummeting down Ellie jumped down after him screaming yippee it was a huge slide that led right down to the dining room. That was amazing newt explained but next time worn me before doing something like that again they both laughed. I promise newt.

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