Chapter 11

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Ellie drowsily got up and looked at her clock it was 10:50. Oh my god I'm going to be late Ellie quickly got dressed and dragged all her luggage to the front door of the school where she was going to meet newt before they got on the train. Once Ellie got to the front door and saw newt she gave a relieved sigh. Newt immediately said and you were worried about me being late. Haha very funny Ellie smirked as she regained her breath. Ellke and newt found an empty compartment on the bustling train and started talking about newts animals when Ellie's stomached let out a huge gurgle and she sheepishly laghued as she said I uh may have forgotten breakfast. Newt hastily got up while mumbling I'll be right back. He soon returned with two cauldron cakes one for you and one for me he smiled as he sat down and blushed. Oh newt thank you Ellie said as she gave him a embrace the two quickly munched down their treats until a brown haired girl with tanned skin came in and asked if there was any room. It was leta lestrange Ellie instantly recognized the girl for she had always gave her this bad feeling and when she looked over at newt and saw fear written upon his face she instantly said there's no more room sorry. Newt looked relieved. Newt are you all right you looked like you were going to be sick when lets walked in here? Oh Ellie I'm sorry but I can't tell you right now I'm not ready. Ok newt Ellie said feeling saddened that her own best friend couldn't tell her something.

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