Chapter 6

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Newt couldn't bear to see Ellie crying like that. All he wanted to do is embrace her  and comfort her as he told her everything was all right. But still Newt couldn't do it he still felt too shy. So Newt sat behind the tree until he heard Ellie's cries subside and only then did he dare to peak around the tree. Newt sighed as he saw that Ellie had fallen asleep, so Newt carefully picked her up in his arms and started his slow walk out of the forbidden forest because he knew he couldn't leave her there since anything can happen in the forbidden forest especially at this time of night. Newt gazed at Ellie as he carried her out of the forbidden forest and back to the common room, she looked so cute and peaceful asleep Newt thought as he laid her on the couch in front of the fireplace. Newt then quickly grabbed some parchment and a quill and quickly wrote a note to Ellie and placed it in her hand and before retiring to the boys dormitories he took a shaky breath in and planted a kiss on Ellie's forehead. Newt quickly went to bed thinking about what he just did and how he could just kissed the girl he had feelings for even if she wasn't awake.

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