Chapter 7

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Ellie woke up to her surprise on the couch in the Hufflepuff common room thinking how she had the weirdest dream that Newt kissed her on the forehead. Ellie then realised someone had written her a note and stuck it in her hand. Ellie carefully unfolded the piece of parchment to see someone wrote "I am extremely sorry for how terribly I acted last night would you please forgive me" she then realized it was Newt that had written it. Ellie felt surprised that Newt had taken time to write her a note asking for forgiveness but her thoughts were interrupted when the clock chimed twelve times "Thank god I don't have any classes today or else I would be late" Ellie's head was swarming with thoughts and questions last night "ugh I wish i had someone to talk to about this" and on cue Rachel came running down the stairs with her red curls bouncing in the air and started bombarding Ellie with questions like where were you last night, why didn't you sleep back in the girls dormitories, why did ya sleep on the couch, what time did you come back. Whoa hold your horses Rachel I was just about to ask you that. "Oh ok" Rachel said as she plopped down right next to Ellie. Ellie explained how she and Newt were talking last night and Newt was about to tell her something and ran off and how she went into the forbidden forest and fell asleep but somehow woke up here with a note in her hand from Newt. What Ellie did not tell Rachel was how she dreamed that Newt kissed her since that seemed too personal. After finishing her story Rachel gave Ellie a huge grin. Rachel why are you looking at me like that Ellie asked knowing that whatever it was it was going to be exciting. Ellie don't you realize it Newt probably likes you but he's too shy too shy to tell you and you probably got here because Newt carried you back when you were asleep and that would explain why you weren't in your bed since boys cant go into the girls dormitories past certain times how didn't you realize that Rachel said giggling. the girls spent the rest of their day chatting and laughing till one of the popular boys named Josh came up to Ellie "Hey babe why do you hang out with that Scamander loser you should be hanging out with a real man" "I hope you're not referring to yourself because you're not man enough to date a pig and never call me babe again." Ellie said calmly but her eyes looking fiery. "Why dont you wanna go with me Ellie, this is the opportunity of a life time" Ellie laughed at him coldly "could you love me the way Newt does? could you stay by my side even through the toughest of times? Could you make me happy and make me feel like i was important? Could you be my best friend like Newt is?" "W-w" "I didn't think so. And I don't just date people just because they are quidditch captains Josh, I date people because I love them "taken a back " all Josh could say was "You don't know what you're missing Ellie" " I know exactly what I would be missing, I would be missing you being an egotistical jerk" Not knowing how to respond, Josh turned around and walked out of the common room with a huff. "Touché Ellie" Rachel said with amazement. "Why thank you Rachel" Ellie giggled as she bowed. Newt had heard the whole conversation between Ellie and Josh and he felt surprised when Ellie stood up for him and called him her best friend and how he made her feel happy and important, and Newt felt glad that he made her fell happy.

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