Chapter 16

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Newt. Newt! Newton! Wake up! Huh? What? What are you doing Ellie newt asked as he deeply blushed from the closeness of the girl and the fact she was sitting on his bed. I'm trying to wake you up silly I wanted to show you something remember. Newt rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes as he yawned and slid off the bed. Okay I'll meet you in the hallway when you finish getting dressed Ellie said as she rolled off the bed and walked out of newts room and into her own. Ellie closed her doorway and skipped into her walk in closet with giddiness knowing that she and newt would be able to hang out the whole day without being interrupted by a class or one of their friends. Ellie soon decided on a white blouse with overalls because she didn't want any of her dresses to get ruined while exploring. Ellie opened her door and walked out into the large hallway and leaned against the door as she waited for meet. Be at opened the door and stepped out into the hallway where Ellie was waiting. Newt began to say "ok now what are... Ellie cut him off by taking his hand which made the bith of them blush. Okay we've got to hurry or else we'll be late ellie said as the walked down the hall. Laye for what? Youll see ellie answered as they quickly turbed arount and started running which cinfused newt. Then he notuced they were running right toward a stained glass window. Uhh ELLIEE WHAT ARE YOU DOINNGGG?!?!? I DONTT WANT TO DIE !!! Newt screamed as they jumped out the window. Newt closed his eyes and clutched onto Ellie wait for impact. TRUST ME NEWT ellie yelled which was barely audible over the wind whistling in newts ears. They suddenly landed on something that wasnt hard ljke the ground in fact it was very soft and fluffy like landing on a cloud. Newt then dared opened his eyes and realized they were flying on one of the Pegasus that Ellies family owned. This is amazinggg ellie! Im glad you think so newt.the pegasus started a slow decent landing directly infront of the forest that had a magical silvery mist covering the ground. Okay now we have to be extremely quiet ellie whispered as newt slid off the Pegasus and helped ellie down. They started walking into the dense forest until they finally arrived at a large clesring and when newt saw them he gasped making ellie giggle and say i knew youd like them. Newt was still in shock. Are those a family of... thunderbirds ellie said finishing his sentence. We can go over and pet them if youd like. Would i ever! exclaimed newt eagerly. They slowly made their way over to the thunderbird family trying not to frighten them. Newt softly stroked one of the babies beaks.Newt looked up at ellie blushing as he quietly said i want a family with someone i love just like this. Tears quickly filled his eyes with embarrassment as he quickly said i... uh... sorry... Ellie thought to herself what did newt mean by that.. did he like her but was just too shy just like ellie? Newt couldnt handle it so he started running. He felt the dry air burning his eyes but he didnr stop. He ran till his lungs hurt. He ran till his legs ached and burned and his body quivered with exhaustion. Finally newt reached his limit and toppled over onto his back, his chest heaving up and down struggling for more air. He ran so far he reached a meadow on the out skirts of the forest. Newt had no clue where he was. Oh no how am i going to confront ellie after this. I  probably hurt her feelings! Whats even the poimt of thinking abiut that if i can never find my way out of here...why do i always have to run and hide! Why cant i just tell her! As newt cried to himself and had self pity one of the thunderbirds from the family came soaring down from the sky and landed gracefully next to newt. The thunderbird nuzzled newts shoulder and motioned for newt to get on its back. Newt wipped away some of his tears with the sleave of his jumper and clambered on to the thunderbirds back. The wind rustled newts sandy hair as he quickly traveled back to ellies house. The huge bird landed on the roof and let newt dismount. Newt quietly thanked the creature as it sreeched with approval and flew off back to its family. Newt sat on the roog watching the sun set and thought about how he would tell Ellie about his feelings for her. Tthe moon slowly started to rise casting an iree glow onto the house. Suddenly he saw Ellie flying towards the house. And felt remorse as he tried to scramble away but Ellie had already spotted him. The pegasus barely stopped as ellie pulled newt up onto the flying creature. They descended till they reached the balcony that they had to jump down on. "Im so sorry Ellie" ellie cut him off quickly saying no time for apologies now or else we'll be late! Late for what? Questioned newt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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