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The next couple of weeks and months went by the best way possible for the two pregnant women at Hilltop.

Everything went just fine with Maggie's pregnancy and the same went for Lucille and the two had great time being together.

As Negan said he went to visit once per 2-3 months to see how Lucille was doing and sometimes he even watched as Carson was having examination on her to make sure everything is going fine with her.

- Everything goes perfect - he told Negan after another examination - You don't have to worry.

- That's good - he smiled.

At these times Negan looked and acted like a completely different person to the people at Hilltop.

He was acting so much calmer, cooler and he did not look and sound dangerous at all, making people slightly confused, but not as much.

- What are you gonna do? Soon she's due... In 3 months to be exact - the doc continued.

- I don't really know, but I trust you in doing a good job and have them both healthy.

- I will do what I have to do... But you're the father.

- Yes. And?

- Do you even want to be a part of their lives?

- Let that be my business, okay, doc?

- Fine then - he sighed - But you're not as evil as you try to look like.

- Eh?

- You heard me. If you'd be that way you wouldn't come around to check on Lucille.

- That's none of your business. Keep yourself out of it.

- You're blessed to have the opportunity to become a father. That's not something that can happen to people lately. You should be grateful for that.

Negan didn't reply for a while, but soon he sighed...

- I am fucking grateful, but she hates me.

- Then do something to make her hate you less, beside being here!

- You don't know her...

- Right. I do not know her for too long, but she needs the support of her husband and the father of her child. She does love you still and she wants you here.

- We really shouldn't be talking about this behind her back though...

- See? You're even scared she catches us talking about her which means you also love her and she is important for you enough to make changes! So do your best!

- Why are you giving me advices now?

Negan was really suspicious as the doctor was nice and kept on giving advices to him about what to do with Lucille.

- Because me and Lucille grew close and she told me so many things I've never thought I'd hear about you, starting from your past life together to so much more.

- Ah...

Then suddenly Lucille stepped out of the doctor's room, looking suspiciously at the two men as they grew silent when she got out.

- What's happening here? - she asked.

- We were just talking - Carson replied - Need anything more?

- Erm... No, thank you.

Lucille was 7 months pregnant now so she had a quite stomach by now which Negan couldn't help, but look at and smile every time he sees it and her.

- Why are you staring at me like that? - she growled at Negan now as the doctor walked away.

- You're stunning... You know that? - he said.

- I look like a giant whale right now.

- Maybe, but you have to remember there are two people in one body now. It's you... and the little one - he smiled.

This somehow made her feel better.

- Owh! - she suddenly gasped in pain.

- Huh? What is it?

She then started laughing, took his hand and placed it on her stomach.

- Feel it yourself - she said and within a few seconds he felt it too.

A little, but pretty powerful kick.

- Oh my! That was a strong kick there - he smiled now as he caressed her stomach.

- I feel like it's gonna be as strong as you... Or maybe stronger - Lucille said as she looked up at Negan.

- Don't you mean strong like yourself? - he spoke, looking right into her eyes.

- Maybe...

They then saw Dwight nearby and Negan sighed.

- I have to go - he said.

- Can't you stay? - she asked.

She really wanted him to stay, but she knew she couldn't just beg him there.

If he wants to go he will go.

But in the past months the two grew closer to each other again and Lucille has given up on wanting to keep Negan away from her and her child.

- I'll come back quick - he smiled as he gave her a kiss on the forehead - I'll always be back for you... I promise...

She took a deep breath and let a few tears roll down on her cheek.

- Hey... Trust me... okay? - he said as he wiped her tears away.

- Okay... okay... Just the hormones, you know... - she muttered, trying to get herself together.

Negan felt awful to leave Lucille behind, after seeing her cry and after feeling her and his baby kicking, but he was working on something he did not tell anyone just yet.

Something to make his wife and child's life better.

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