1. (Y/N) Princess of Tenrou

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I dance across the marble floor of the ballroom, as my dress flares out with every turn. My dancing partner's hand grasps my waist, leading me around in circles. I glance up at the stranger, taking in his stark features. He smiles down at me, his blonde hair falling perfectly on his forehead. Everyone has dressed up for this, as an attempt to impress each other.

As the song comes to a close, the stranger and I part ways, as I make my way to the food table. My favorite part of these things is the food. I grin as I fill my plate up, careful not to knock any food onto the floor.

"You seem to be stacking your plate high princess." I hear a man say behind me. I roll my eyes continuing to fill up my plate.

"Food is one of the best things about these balls." I smirk, reaching for a pastry.

"It would seem you enjoy the dancing as well." the same voice says. I nod, this time turning around to face who ever's talking.

My eyes meet with hazel ones, as I stare at the mans messy purple hair, and gold earrings. Unlike the others here, he didn't seem to dress up in any way.

"I admit dancing is entertaining, but-"

"Everyone says that you, (Y/N) princess of Tenrou, are on of the best dancers your country has ever seen."

I smirk, walking to a table as the man follows me, "Flattery will get you no where."

He takes a seat across from me, his eyes glancing at the amulet around my neck, "Is it also true what they say about you having a djinn?"

"Perhaps." I tell him, between mouths of food. I wonder why this man is so curious about my djinn. And it would seem he only knows about one of them. My sister told me it would be better if I kept the majority of my magic a mystery, "Normally you'd introduce yourself before sitting down with someone. And seeing as how you know me already, I'm a bit out of the loop."

"My apologies, I'm Sinbad, of Sindria Trading Company. I've ventured to Tenrou to gain some sort of trade agreement." he grins, leaning forward.

"You'd be talking to the wrong person then, Sinbad of Sidonia. As much as I'd like to help you, you need to talk to my Mother the Queen." I explain, standing up and heading towards the dancing area once again.

Then a hand pulls at my wrist, stopping me in my tracks, as I turn around, to see Sinbad. Again.

"Would you mind giving me the next dance?" he smiles, bowing.

"If you think you can keep up." I wink, a a slight blush appears across his cheeks.

I take his hand and pull him onto the ballroom floor, as a new song starts. It's a lively one, instead of a waltz, and I look to the musicians grinning. I feel the music move through my body, as my feet start moving in time.

I take Sinbad's hands using them to spin myself around, while moving around him. My hips sway with the music and I let out a laugh, while watching Sinbad struggling to keep up. His face contorts, as he watches my feet, trying to mirror them. He almost topples over, but I grab his shirt, pulling him back towards me. He blushes again, as I face him, trying to lead him through the dance. I inch closer to him, then back up, then finally the song ends.

As I look up to the throne in front of the ballroom, I see my mother, talking to a short, white haired boy. She glances over at me, her eyes cold. Then she motions for me to come over.

I grab Sinbad's hand, and lead him to my mother. "Wh- Where are we going?" he asks, flustered.

"You said you wanted to speak of trade. So I'll take you to someone who can discuss it with you. Even though you're an awful dancer, there's something remarkable about you I just can't place."

I look back to face him, and a grin is spread across his face again, "Awful huh? Maybe you could help me with that."

An attempt to flirt? What a hot shot.

"(Y/N) come here." My mother demands, brushing her hand through her (h/c) hair. Her brown eyes glancing to Sinbad.

I do as she says, smoothing out my
(f/c) skirt. As Sinbad follows me up the stairs leading to the throne, he looks at me wearily. Probably wondering why I'm so tense.

"What is-" he starts.

I motion for him to stop talking, as we reach the throne. I curtsy slightly, before stepping aside to show my mother Sin.

"Is this the boy you were speaking to me about Ja'Far? He seems like an idiot to me." Mother scoffs, discussing with the white haired boy next to her. The boy nods his head remorsefully before replying.

"This is him, I promise you he's more than he seems." Ja'Far remarks.

"I am Sinbad, your highness, I hope we can arrange-" he starts.

My mother glares at him before interrupting, "I was in no way regarding you. And at this point I highly doubt I would have relations with an ill mannered fool."

Sinbad sweat drops, before returning to my side and whispering, "She's harsh. I'm surprised you two are related."

I cover my mouth to stop me from laughing. As my mother turns to face me, "What do you think of this Sinbad (Y/N)?"

"I believe he's interesting, and I could see us benefiting from listening to him." I say, staring at the ground.

I feel her eyes on me, and I can almost taste the tension as she thinks over what I said. I know she cares very little about my word, but I hope she considers what I said. Something in me hopes I can have more encounters with Sinbad. And maybe find out more about what makes him so interesting.

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