6. Captain's Courters

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"Princess would you like to accompany me to a far off land?" Sinbad smirks, taking one of my hands in his.

I stare into his gold eyes, full of wonder and a hunger for adventure. The boy, whose seen so much, can't seem to satisfy this never ending lust for something new.

"Of course." I nod, curious to see where he will take me next.

He grins, "In that case get ready, we'll be leaving soon."

Leaving the dining hall, I head back up to my extravagant room, and pick up the small bag I brought from my homeland.

As I'm about to leave, a maid comes in, the same one from last night.

"Excuse me your highness-"

"I'm sorry, but since I'm not in Tenrou, being called that is very... odd?" I explain awkwardly.

"M-My apologies Princess (Y/N)." she stutters, "but Master Sinbad asked me to pack a new bag of clothes for you, so you won't be needing another pack at all."

"Oh.." I sigh, setting down the worn canvass backpack. I pull out my sword, which serves as my metal vessel.

The maid shrieks and cowers to the side when she sees me take it out of its sheath.

"My apologies!" I exclaim, "I wasn't doing anything I promise."

The main clutches a hand to her chest before nodding quickly.

"What was your name?" I ask her.

"The names Merina." she curtsies, holding out the sides of her tan maids uniform.

"Nice to meet you Merina," I smile, "Perhaps when I return we may talk more."

"Yes your hi- Princess (Y/N)."


I meet Sinbad at the ship yard, where he stands around with Mystras, Hinehoho and Rurmu.

He waves to me excitedly, and when I come within range, he scoops me up into his arms and swings me around. I protest, while blushing madly.

"You're too uptight Princess." he chuckles, "It seems the only time you truly let loose is when you dance."

I glare at him, before heading onboard, where I meet Ja'Far, who explains we are going to Edindrae, a country much like mine in size.

"It's warm so I hope they packed something for swimming. If not undergarments will do." Sinbad smirks.

Rolling my eyes, I place a hand on his chest and push him away. He laughs along with Mystras, and I leave to find Rurumu.

She sits on the upper deck, looking over papers, as we're sailing out of port. I sit contently next to her, doing nothing other than staring into the bright blue water, and daydreaming.

"You're very quiet (Y/N)." she smiles, looking up from the documents sprawled in front of her, "Could it have something to do with you being homesick?"

Her question catches me off guard, as I question if myself. In complete honesty, I hadn't even thought about Tenrou. Or Aria for that matter..

"No that's not it." I shrug, "I'm just thinking about everything I suppose."

"Well don't hurt yourself." Sinbad says, as he skips across the deck towards us.

I shake my head, smiling, as he continues, "Am I the one you're thinking about?"

"Don't be such a cheeky bastard all the time." I retort surprising even myself. Both Rurumu and Sinbad look at me with wide eyes. Rurumu looks like she wants to reprimand me, while Sinbad just looks more interested in me than before.

"Come with me," he says grabbing my hand and dragging me below deck.

I follow him down the maze of hallways, until we come to a fancy bedroom I assume is the Captain's courters.

This room is decorated more than the others, fine woven tapestries hang from the ceiling, and an arrangement of souvenirs line a case on the wall to my right. A large bed stands in the middle of the room, golden bedposts extend from it and connect with the ceiling. On the left, a series of paintings are displayed, all depicting some mythical sea voyagers.

"I wanted to show you this," he says, picking up a rectangular wooden box, which has flowers carved into its lid. I watch as he removes the top, revealing a short dagger, with a jewel encrusted handle. The light coming in from a porthole plays off of the jewels, sending their reflections onto the ceiling. Various shades of red and green, dance together, creating an entrancing sight. However, I'm focused more on the daggers blade, than the light display.

It's blade is stark black, unlike any metal I've ever seen, yet as it catches in the light, for only a moment it appears to be white.

"This is a gift we're taking to the King of Edindrae in hopes of him becoming another part of our alliance." he explains, closing the lid, "Its really a strange weapon, and I honestly have no idea why he requested we retrieve it, but we're bringing it anyways."

"That's idiotic." I murmur.

"Hmm?" he asks, obviously not hearing me.

"You're not put off by the strange request. It's unreasonable for a future King to be this reckless." I explain.

He cocks his head to the side, thinking. His golden eyes stare at me, while furrowing his bushy eyebrows, "I'm interested by his request. I want to know what makes this dagger so special and-"

I put up my hand, motioning for him to stop, "You need to start thinking about the risks. It's important to consider once you take a throne. Or any other responsibility for that matter."

He nods, but then a smirk creeps across his lips, "You said I was a future king, princess."

As I turn to leave I he tells me, "As someone with expertise on the matter of ruling, I hope you'll stick around to help me out."

Teen Sinbad x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now