2. Lofty Ambitions

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"I would like to discuss this further with you Ja'Far." she announces, dismissing me and Sinbad.

I walk quickly away from her throne, before realizing Sinbad has stayed behind.

I face palm, before heading back, nearly tripping over the steps. I hope I can pull him away before he ruins this for himself. As I near him, I loop an arm around his, before trying to pull him away. However, he stays grounded, facing my mother.

"I'm afraid your highness, I think it's better if you discuss trade with me. I'm the head of the company, and I have larger plans than just trade, I was hoping to discuss politics as well. You see I plan on becoming King of a country which unites the world, and creates widespread peace. I plan on ending the war, by uniting everyone."

"You seem cocky for such an idiotic child. Your dreams are overly ambitious for any world leader, but they're especially ridiculous for a boy with only a trading company to your name. A trading company whom goes around begging for deals no less. I doubt now that I will have any dealings with a trading company that has a leader such as you."

I watch as Sinbad clenches his fists and jaw, while his friend Ja'Far tries to soothe things over, "Your highness I apologize on his behalf, but-"

"I will hear no more, guards please escort these men out." she announces waving to the amor clad men around her, then her sights set on me, "I'm disappointed in your faulty analysis of that man. You must acquire better judgement if you ever hope to obtain the throne. If you stay as you are, even with your magic abilities, your younger sister shall be the next ruler."

I bow my head to her before turning to watch the men be escorted out. The people on the dance floor haven't even noticed the disruption. I'm tired of these people, so closed minded, not thinking anything unless my mother tells them to. I wouldn't want to take the throne, only to have puppets. It's utterly worthless to me.

"(Y/N)!" I hear someone call from the ballroom below me. I spot a familiar blonde haired girl near the bottom of the stairs, waving to me. As I make my way down to her, I see her (e/c) eyes wide with excitement.

"I saw you earlier dancing with that purple haired boy, you seemed... happy. Where'd he go?" she asks, mindlessly toying with her hair.

"He made her angry, they kicked him out." I explain, referring to the queen.

"(Y/N), you have to understand, Mother's only doing what's best for Tenrou-"

"No Aria, she's only doing what's best for herself. Doing whatever she has to, to make herself look good. I'm sick of it."

"If you're that upset, you should go find them, or try to change Mother's mind." Aria suggests, placing her hand on my shoulder.

I nod, "That's what I'll do."


"Sinbad!" I call out, a few paces behind him and the small pale boy.

"Your highness!" Ja'Far calls out, as I reach them.

"Please, just (Y/N)," I laugh, "I came to apologize."

"(Y/N) are you sure you're allowed outside without any guards?" Ja'Far asks, looking around.

"My Mother doesn't usually like it, but she knows I can handle myself better than any guard could." I explain, "That said, I still never get any time outside."

"That sounds awful..." Sinbad sighs.

"It's not so bad, It didn't used to be like this. When my father was alive, I traveled all over. That's how I captured dungeons." I smile, remembering it, "Anyways, I'm going to try changing my Mother's mind."

"Really?" Sinbad gasps, grinning.

I nod, before looking up at the sky, "It's getting late. If you both don't have somewhere to stay, you can come back to the castle."


"I'll work it out don't worry." I smile, leading them back.

When we arrive, I tell a few maids to arrange a room for them, along with some food. Then bid them goodnight, as I head back to my own room.

As I step inside my room I see someone is already there waiting for me, "Mother." I say bowing.

"You've gone behind my back for something you deem important. I'm surprised. I honestly didn't think you had it in you." she sighs, "At the same time, I can't act like you didn't intentionally disobey me."

With that, she slaps me hard across my face, knocking me onto the floor. I clutch my stinging cheek, before my mother pulls my to my feet by my sleeve.

"You impressed me today, and because of that I will form an arrangement with that boy. And perhaps you should go with them, as a representative of sorts. I know you have no interest in the throne, but at least this way you could be of some use to your country."

I nod, as she drops me back onto the floor, kicking me in the stomach before leaving.

"Bitch." I mutter before crawling into bed and falling asleep.


The next morning I get dressed and run down to the dining room, to see Sinbad and Ja'Far talking with my sister Aria.

"There she is." Aria smiles.

"Good morning!" I smile, sitting down between her and Sinbad.

"Morning." Sinbad grins, taking a bite of food.

"We just finished our contract with your mother, you'll be leaving with us right after breakfast." Ja'Far grins.

Aria drops her spoon with a clatter into her dish. Her face pales slightly, as she stares at me, her (e/c) eyes watering.

"I didn't know you had planned on leaving (Y/N)." she says quietly.

Sinbad and Ja'Far exchange glances of unease as I try to smooth things over, "Aria you told to to talk to Mother, I was just-"

"I didn't tell you to leave me here all alone!" she shouts, pushing back her chair and standing up, "Excuse me." she mutters as she leaves.

I stare into my plate, as my eyes water just like hers. She should be happy for me dammit. She's the one who knows how much I can't stand it here.

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