16. Sassan

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I turn around to face a small freckled boy, with white hair, with emerald eyes that stare at me in astonishment.

"Princess (Y/N)! They told me you couldn't see anyone, what's going on?" Ja'Far asks, his eyes locking on mine.

I'm amazed to see him, what luck I have, picking a ship carrying some of the only people I trust-


He's here!

"Ja'Far where's Sinbad!?" I ask, while rushing out of the storage hull.

Ja'Far's quick reaction stops me in my tracks, "He's back in Reim, he had to stay to take care of business with the Merchants Association. I came to Tenrou to do some trading, Sinbad asked me to check on you while I was here."

My grip on the door frame tightens, so much for a reunion. At least I'll be seeing him soon, "Ja'Far, how long does it take to get straight to Reim from Tenrou?" I ask, hoping, we'll be getting there soon.

"I'm not sure Princess... But we're going to Sasan first, we have to pick up new goods." He informs me, as I feel a pang of disappointment.

I suppose it was naive to assume we were just headed straight to Reim...

I nod, as we start walking towards the upper deck. Ja'Far begins to ask me all sorts of questions about what happened and why I was stowing away on the ship. However, I couldn't offer him any complete answers, because I'm not entirely sure myself. My wandering mind lingers on the letter, but I decide to open it in private, where I can have the peace and quiet to react to the detrimental information it contains.

"Ja'Far if you're here, does that mean that Rurumu and Hinehoho and Mystras are here too?" I question, wondering if I'll have the opportunity to discuss things with Rurumu.

"It's only me and Mystras, everyone else stayed, because this isn't a particularly important meeting." Ja'Far explains.

As we walk up a flight of stairs that leads to the deck, I shield my eyes with my arm. The sunlight radiating down is intense, and I fear that if I leave my eyes uncovered, I might go blind.

When we step onto the main deck, the salty ocean breeze tickles at my nose, and a bead of sweat is already forming above my brow from the humidity. It's so humid, it's almost as if you're breathing in water, and in a way, I suppose you are.

Wooden planks making up the ship creak beneath me, as I make my way over to the front of the ship, so I can get a good view of everything around us. Unsurprisingly, all you can see is water, the shoreline of Tenrou is behind us, and nothing is around for a long ways otherwise.

Suddenly, I hear the clanking of metal armor, as I see Mystras lean on the ships edge beside me. A wide grin is on his face, as he waits eagerly for me to greet him. Finally I give in, wrapping my arms around him and giving him a squeeze.

"Ja'Far told me you were hiding onboard! Why didn't you just ask to come along, we wouldn't have turned you down?" He laughs, awaiting my answer.

"I haven't seen this ship before, it's not the same one we took last time..." I mumble, not wanting to sound idiotic for not noticing the giant Sindria Trading Company Flag, "I wasn't paying attention either." I add for good measure.

(A/N: I don't know if they actually have a flag, I kind of assumed they did. Just go along with it!)

"Regardless, I'm glad you're here!" He smiles, as Ja'Far comes and joins us.

"They said we should be in Sasan by tomorrow afternoon." Ja'Far tells us as we all sigh, looking over the ships side, towards the empty horizon.

I nod excitedly, I've never been in Sasan before, and it's kind of fun to be on an adventure just Mustras and Ja'Far. Although admittedly, it's a bit strange without Sinbad.

••• Time skip •••

I wake up the next morning to Ja'Far knocking at my door, asking me if I'm ready to leave.

I look out of the small porthole beside my bed, and see that the sun's already high in the sky, meaning it's probably past noon. Just how long did I sleep?

"A-Almost ready!" I lie, rushing to pull on the same pair of pants from yesterday.

Once I've finally gotten all of my things, I grab my backpack from yesterday as well, slinging it over my shoulder with ease. I step out of the room, and Ja'Far hurriedly rushes me off of the boat, muttering about me making him behind schedule.

'It's hard to deny the similarities between him and Namia.' I think to myself, letting out a giggle. He turns around, shooting me a glare, and I cover my mouth as it gets harder to hide my escaping laughter, 'If he chose out my clothes and learned to tighten a corset he could have her job.'

Continuing to mutter to himself, he leads me towards a large castle and tells me, "This is where the Knights of Sasan reside, Mystras is already inside speaking with them and his brother, we were supposed to already be here."

I rub at the back of my neck, and offer him a small apology before we head inside.

Portraits of Knights dressed armor similar to Mystras' line the walls, along with other paintings of religious figures and battle scenes. We pass by women dressed extremely conservatively in the corridor, as they gawk at me, or to be precise, my choice of clothing.

It's not like I'm dressed provocatively, I suppose they just don't approve of a woman wearing 'men's' clothing...

"I wish you hadn't worn that." Ja'Far sighs, as we continue down the seemingly endless corridor.

"Why is it you always have a problem with me wearing pants!?" I exclaim.

He stops suddenly, causing me to nearly bump into him, "I personally don't mind, but to everyone else, it gives the impression you're slobbish. Rurumu told us first impressions are important, down to the very clothes you wear. So you should've worn something more..."

"Classy?" I sigh, not reminding him of my lack of 'proper apparel'

"Exactly," he chimes, "Not that we have time for that now."

As he says that, a pair of large metal plated doors before us open up, and together we step into the most finely decorated church I've ever seen.

(A/N): Rather than just post this on its own chapter, I decided I would just write it on here, and I know most of you probably won't read this, but it's kind of important!

I wanted to let you guys know I plan on finishing this book soon (as in two or three more chapters). Just because I don't have too much time for writing. HOWEVER, I'm already starting a second book to this, but it won't be published for a while, because like I said, I don't have a lot of time to write.

I also wanted to thank all of you for getting this book to 1k, because never in a million years did I think that would happen! I've had a lot of fun writing this book, and I hope all of you will continue reading the sequel whenever that comes out (which will probably be in about a month).

I love you guys and again, I just want to say thanks for reading my book. ❤️

P.S. This chapter was really boring and rushed I know, next chapter will be a lot better I promise.

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