9. A Second Letter

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"Your Bride?" I exclaim, as we start a second dance.

He nods, "I'm supposed to find myself one before the years end, which is fast approaching. Anyways, everyone knows about you because of your dancing as well as your beauty and dungeon capturing.. So if I had to choose it'd be you."

I stare up at the handsome blackette, assessing his words. He looks about my age, and he certainly looks like a Prince, obviously one whose had professional dance lessons.. Somehow though, I'm confused. Why does he need a bride so soon? And why would he think I'd except?

"I see you have many questions.. But for now, I'll bid you goodbye Princess." he bows, as the orchestra lets out one last chord.

He leaves me standing in the middle of the dance floor confused, but soon another purple haired man steps in to take his position.

"What was that about?" Sinbad asks, his eyes following Prince Eren.

I smile as Sinbad's hand wraps around my waist and he takes my hand in his. I place my hand on his shoulder, the fabric of my gloves touching his blue tailcoat.

My smile fades as I try to explain what happened during the last dance, "He said he wanted me for his bride."

Suddenly, Sinbad looses his footing, as we both go tumbling to the ground, myself on top of him. I blush madly, as other dancers maneuver around us, glaring. I get up as quickly as I can, brushing off my brand new ballgown.

"Sorry about that.." Sinbad mutters as we start dancing again. When we start over, the dance is different, it's no longer graceful, Sinbad leads in an almost violent manner. Obviously what I told him is bothering him.

"Sin," I say curtly, as he focusing on something across the room.

"What?" he asks, facing me once more.

"You don't need to worry about me, political affairs like arranged marriages are something I came to terms with a long time ago. But, if he does decide to seek me out, it's out of my hands."

Sinbad's eyebrows knit together, as he turns his grip around me tightens, "How can you just accept something like that?"

I laugh dryly, "You become used to it as a princess. You see everything we do is watched and noted by everyone, and your entire life is setting you up to take a throne. It's expected to have a political marriage. Very rarely does anyone in power marry for love."

"I will." Sinbad interrupts suddenly. He spins me around and then proceeds to dip me backwards, our faces inches apart. My heart pounds in my chest, as my stomach is in knots. For that moment, things fade away again, just like the last time we danced, and I find myself wanting to close the distance between us. Something in his golden eyes tells me he thinks the same... But, when he pulls me back up, I force the thought away, and instead focus on the ups and downs of the song. I watch the other dancers around us moving in synch, while Sinbad and I are beat behind.

I let it go, and bring my attention back to Sinbad, whose eyes are staring directly at me. It seems he didn't let go of that feeling like I did.

"Thank you for the dance." I curtsy once the song ends.

He nods solemnly, but puts on a grin once another girl asks him to dance. I leave the ballroom floor to find Rurumu, and talk, again about that strange feeling.


"It's love." she says plainly, as if it were obvious to see.

I shake my head furiously, "That can't be it!"

She chuckles before asking, "And why not?"

I twist my necklace around my finger, staring into my lap. I don't have an answer for her, that would make any sense. Even I don't know why I protest. Sinbad is remarkable, he's passionate, kind, funny, yet...

"Even if I love him, there's nothing I can do."

She nods, as I get up from where we're seated on her bed. I walk across to the window and stare out, watching how the moonlight plays off of the distant ocean.

"You'll regret not even trying." she whispers.

I close my eyes, taking in her words. What would trying look like? It's not worth it if Sinbad doesn't feel the same. And how can I be certain of what he wants? If he 'loves' me like Rurumu said. Talking to him would be difficult, embarrassing, but I can't let the fear of rejection stop me. I'll regret not trying.

I quietly leave the room, and head to my own. I sit down at the dark wooden desk, and pull out ink and paper. Lastly I pull out a quill, pressing the soft white feather against my lips, tickling me slightly. I dip it into the ink well, and begin a second letter to my sister.

"Dear Aria,

I've decided that I do love Sinbad. I barely know him I know, but we have a connection unlike I've had with anyone before. I just felt like telling you, my confidant, my plans going foreword.
I plan on returning to Tenrou soon to talk with Mother, but first I have to talk to Sinbad. I plan on confessing my feelings, and I just hope he feels the same. If he does, then I'll tell Mother I won't take the throne. Which means I could stay here by his side. However, it does mean I'd be putting everything onto your shoulders. I hope you're willing to support me in this. I always hoped you'd take the throne instead anyways, but it's ultimately your decision who takes it.

Please consider it all,


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