4. Swell of Music

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I walk down the stairs, the jewelry chiming, as it hits against itself. A few heads turn, gawking at my extremely revealing get up.

I wink at some of them, trying to ease the attention, but it does little. Finally Rurumu comes over to me excitedly giving me a hug.

"You look fantastic (Y/N)," she compliments, taking a step back to look at me, "Sinbad arranged music to play tonight so that you could dance!"

My (e/c) eyes light up, as I can already feel my feet wanting to move. I spin around just once, as the jewels chime against one another again, and the material on my arms fan out.

"I'm so excited!" I squeal, as Rurumu leads me to a large, nearly ballroom sized, open space.

A few people are setting up food and drinks, while others are setting up tables and chairs. In a far corner I spot a few musicians carrying flutes and violins.

Suddenly I feel an arm wrapping around my waist and spinning me around. I grin, spinning to music in my head.

When I turn to look at who spun me, I see Sinbad. He's dressed up, well better than before to say the least. He's wearing gold jewelry, nearly matching mine, I can tell it was made in Tenrou. He still carries his sword, and his hair is still in it's pony tail, swinging behind him. He wears a purple robe beneath his usual white one, which matches his vibrant hair. I look at his hazel eyes, staring at them as he speaks to me.

"The party will start soon princess." he smiles, as I run across the empty ballroom floor.

"Thank you for all of this." I say bowing.

"That's not necessary!" Ja'Far cries, patting my back.

"Of course it is Ja'Far, he's throwing a party in my honor, using the familiar goods from my country. It's thoughtful." I explain, looking at Ja'Far's robes, which similar to Sinbad's, are made of silk from my country. I notice that everyone from Sin's company are wearing "traditional" attire of Tenrou. Even the table cloths are from the silk we brought over with us. Not to mention the fruits and vegetables native to my country.

"Sinbad indeed is a thoughtful man, however, most of this wasn't his idea." Hinehoho claims, "It was Rurumu's."

The tall woman gushes, before admitting it was her, "I just wanted to help your transition to Reim."

I nod, and grin, as people start filling the ballroom. People sit at the tables, surrounding the dancing space, and they all stare at the center, where I stand with Sinbad, Ja'Far, Rurumu, and Hinehoho.

Once the tables are filled, Sinbad steps in front of us all, pulling me beside him. He bellows to the entire room, "We are here tonight to celebrate Princess (Y/N), who joins us from Tenrou. She is a representative for her country, and plans on working with our trading company for a long time. Please join me in welcoming the Tenrou Dancing Devil herself."

Everyone applauds and cheers as he motions for me to say something.

I fold my hands together in front of me before speaking, "I am excited for the opportunity to join you all, as well as the opportunity to travel the world. Thank you for this celebration, and I hope you will all enjoy yourselves."

Again everyone cheers, whistles, and applauds.

As people line up to get food, music starts playing; a steady drum and a Oud strums along with the rhythm, creating a swell of music.

AN: A Oud is similar to a mandolin, and is used in most Arabian music

My heart beats faster, as I take to the center of the empty ballroom, I feel eyes on me, waiting. In Tenrou no one would look twice at me dancing, it was just normal. Here I'm an unknown foreigner whose dance is also unknown. Pushing my fears aside, I listen to the steady beat of the drums and begin to dance wildly.

My hips move in time with the drum, moving side to side with ease, while I roll my wrists together above my head, moving them in time with my hips. The chatter around me melts away, as the music surrounds me, filling my very being. My feet beneath me hop and turn, as I kick them out on every other beat. I grin, as the jewels on my clothing jingle, creating a soft almost bell-like noise. Moving my hips around in a circle, my abdomen moves as well, creating its own wave of motion within the music.

When the song comes to an end, my feet stop and my jewels let out one last chime. I'm out of breath, but grinning. Slowly, the room fills with applause, and Sinbad steps out of the swell of people to meet me.

"That was beautiful." he smiles, looking me up and down, "I didn't really get to see you dance before, it's incredible."

"You did dance with me didn't you?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"I did, but you didn't dance like that." he sighs, putting a hand on his hip, "Feel free to dance as much as you like, everyone seems to enjoy watching."

I blush slightly. I was so wrapped up in dancing I hadn't even noticed anything else. It was like a trance.. Finally I give Sinbad a nod, before going to get food and wine.

Tables laden with food line the walls, each covered with a different variety of delicacies. One table was filled with rare fruits from far off countries, another decorated by delicate desserts and candies. A few other tables store a variety of meats; whole cows and pigs still turning on spits. I head to the very last table, where a cache of alcohol awaits me. Wine bottles from the distant vineyards lay haphazardly for guests to pick and choose from.

Taking an entire bottle in my grasp, I take it back to a table away from the majority of people. Even though I keep my distance, I make sure I have clear sights of the ballroom floor, where most guests are now dancing.

They dance wildly yet gracefully, a dance which I don't know. Sinbad stands at the center of the dance floor, as people circle around laughing, and bouncing in rhythm. They clap with the beat, and cheer before switching directions and quickening pace. I study them in awe, trying to figure out the pattern, in hopes that I can join in as well later.

I grin once I've figured it out, and take a swig from the wine bottle before heading into the fray.

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