11. Antagonizing Prince

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Sinbad's POV

"You make it different Sin."(Y/N) whispers, staring at me with her large (e/c) eyes.

It takes me a second to realize what she said. I still don't quite understand it, but I don't question her any further.

"(Y/N)... We should go back inside."

She nods, standing up, and crossing her hands over her chest. She doesn't bother waiting for me to stand up with her, before she's walking back to the castle.

Her usual light and graceful walk has been replaced by a dragging disdainful one.

I obviously chose the wrong response. I sigh, and follow her towards the large stone castle. She heads inside, closing the door behind her, leaving me isolated.

I grudge up the stairs, heading inside, then find my way back to the ballroom.

(Y/N) is on the dance floor by the time I get inside.

"That was quick." I grumble to myself.

"She practically ran onto the dance floor." Ja'far tells me, while we both watch her, "What did you do this time Sin?"

"I didn't do anything!" I protest, as another person comes and stands next to us.

It's a tall boy about my age, with short black hair, wearing a clean cut suit, similar to the King of Edindrae's. I recognize him, but I can't place where..

Ja'far leans over and whispers into my ear, "That's Prince Eren."

"You're Sinbad correct?" the boy asks, smiling.

"Yes that's me." I return the fake smile, and bow slightly, "Your highness."

He laughs dryly before asking, "You came to Edindrae with Princess (Y/N) did you not?"

"Indeed we did." Ja'far answers for me, as I glare at the man. This was the same one who said he wanted (Y/N) as his bride. Now he's asking questions about her?

"You might've had a chance of marrying her if you'd already had a kingdom." he laughs, before walking away.

I feel my body tense up as I start to go after him, but Ja'far grabs my arm, "Don't do anything stupid."

I sigh calming down, and go back to watching (Y/N).

She dances by herself near the center of the floor, spinning around vibrantly. She swirls her hips with the beat, and bounces from foot to foot. I stare as her (h/c) hair falls into her eyes, and bounces along with her.

It takes me a second to realize something different about this dance, she's not smiling. Before while she danced, she had the biggest grin on her face, while moving with the beat. But now she bites her lip, almost seductively, while focusing on her movements.

"The whole dance seems different." I say aloud.

Ja'far nods, "I noticed that as well.. By the way, you never did say what really happened."

"We have to take (Y/N) to Tenrou." I explain to him.

He gasps, "So soon? Will she be coming back?"

Teen Sinbad x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now