18. Goodbye

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I grasp the letter in my hand, feeling the rigid material as if seeing paper for the first time. My brows knit together furiously as I reread portions of what Aria wrote.

'You're going to have to hide-'

How can I go into hiding now? Aria did this so I could have the freedom to decide my future, yet she's forcing me into hiding. By doing so, she's not giving me a choice

Never the less, she's right. After running, there will be people searching for me, waiting around every corner. I know Mother will stop at nothing to get me back, and neither will Prince Eren.

My mind is a jumble of contrasting ideas, as I contemplate what to do. I could go back, but after Aria did-

"(Y/N) are you alright?" I hear Ja'Far call from behind the closed bathroom door.

I tuck the letter away in my pocket and open the door to meet him. I smile softly and nod.

He looks suspicious, his wide green eyes staring calculatingly at me, trying to detect any deviations from normal, "You never did fully explain why you snuck onboard our-"

"Lets go back to dinner alright?" I smile, walking ahead of him. My eyes turn back to him, he opens his mouth as if to say something, but he hesitates.
He resentfully follows me back, and together we enter the extravagant dining room once more.

"Good to see you're well Princess, you had us worried." King Darius smiles, raising a glass of wine to me.

"Thank you your highness." I say graciously, sitting down in my chair.

"We were just talking about what we will take to the trading company." Mystras tells me excitedly, "I think we should take more spices and such, but Sinbad thought that fabric would be better. Then again maybe he's right, because there is a higher demand-"

He drones on, but my mind wanders to plans of leaving, or rather running. Where and when, both are important to consider, yet I have no clue on either. My best bet would be to wander I suppose. As for when, tonight would be best, waiting until we get to Reim to leave-

"Right (Y/N)?" Mystras asks.

"Right." I nod, not knowing what I'm agreeing to.

"It's getting late, I suppose we should call it a night." King afterwards, rising from his position at the head of the table. He then turns to me, "Congratulations on your engagement once again, it was a pleasure meeting you Princess. Mystras, you can show them to their rooms correct?"

"Of course." Mystras answers, a weary look on his face.

As we all file out of the dining room, an uncomfortable silence falls upon us. They want to ask me about everything, yet neither of them have the courage to open their mouthes.

"This one is yours (Y/N)." Mystras says quietly, opening a large white door.

I surprise even myself by wrapping them both in a hug, tears threatening to fill my eyes, "Good night." I whisper softly as I pull away. They give me strange glances before telling me goodnight in return.

To them that was nothing more than a strange parting, but to me it was a goodbye. It was a goodbye that seemed to linger, leaving me wanting to say more, or rather not have done it at all.

As I walk into my dimly lit room, I heave a deep sigh, walking towards the curtains swaying mysteriously in the shadows. I pull them apart to reveal an open window, through which the scent of flowers flow through. As I look out of the window, I barely make out the outline of hedges and flower beds. I take in yet another deep sigh, it seemed I had sighed too much today, but for whatever reason I couldn't stop.

"It has to be tonight." I whisper aloud into the night breeze which ruffled my (h/c) wisps.

Sauntering over to the ornate desk in the corner, I rummage through its drawer, managing to find a paper and writing utensil. I clench my jaw as I begin to write a letter for my friends which would explain a few things. I start over again and again, struggling to phrase my thoughts, and reveal enough without worrying them.

I groan, finally signing my name off on a letter, my hand cramping from so many attempts. This one was it I decided, reading over it once more.

I seal the thin paper, writing on the front 'To whom it may concern'.

"That sounds like a suicide note." I grumble, laying my head on the table in anguish. I scratch it out messily, instead addressing it to 'My traveling companions'. In the end, nothing feels right.

I shrug, glancing at the stack of paper still laying on the desk. Tapping my forefinger on my chin, I decide to write one more letter, finishing it quickly as the words pour out of me and onto the paper. After writing, I address this one to Sinbad, placing it delicately next to the other, in plain sight for whoever finds it tomorrow.

I stand up from my spot at the table, and pick up my bag from where it was placed on my bed, and slinging it over my shoulder. The weight of it seems to ground me, reminding me of what will soon ensue.

I set off down the corridor, towards the entrance where I first came in, praying I don't run into anyone, listening cautiously for any noise. Just as I think I'm free, I hear a voice call out from behind me.

"Where are you going Miss (Y/N)?" I tired young Spartos called out.

I jumped at the sound of his voice, wondering how I could've missed his haphazard shuffling.

"Just outside for a bit." I smile, continuing on my way as if nothing were the matter.

To my dismay, the little red headed boy began following me. I did as I told him I would, walking out to the garden below my bedroom window. I take a seat on the closest bench as Spartos takes the spot next to me.

He rests his head against me in a sleepy manner while yawning, "Why are you out so late?"

"I could ask you the same little prince." I laugh breathily.

"I like walking at night, but Father always gets mad..."

I nod, "I came because I like the quiet." I lie, brushing his hair with my hand.

"But you seem sad, you must not like the quiet that much." He says turning to face me.

"Perhaps you're right."

"Why are you sad?"

"I'm sad because I have to leave my friends." I murmur, opening up to the boy whose head is now resting in my lap.

"Then don't go." He suggests as if it were that simple.

I nod, and wait as his eye lashes flutter closed, and his breathing evens out. Carefully, I take his head off of my thigh, resting it down on the bench softly.

I turn my back, then set out once more, this time uncertain of where to go. Deciding to head towards the mountains, I brace myself for a long journey.

"If the circumstances were different this would probably be exciting." I laugh to myself, taking a long look over my shoulder at the castle which is already behind me, "Goodbye."

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