3. Goodbye Tenrou

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"Are you alright (Y/N)?" Sinbad asks.

I nod, "I'm going to go pack." I force a smile before getting up.

I run to Aria's room, and flung the door open. She's laying on her bed, sobbing into a pillow.

I walk over, wrapping my arms around her, and brushing her hair with my fingers, "I need to get out of here okay?" I tell her, breaking into sobs myself, "I can't stay here anymore, I can't live like this."

"I know." she says completely calm at last, "Send me letters as often as you can."

When she pulls away, so do I. And I head to my room, as I pack a single backpack, along with my sword.

When I head in front of the castle, I join Sinbad, and wrap both him and Ja'Far in a giant hug.

"Thank you." I smile.

Sinbad laughs, "You're the one who worked everything out for us, we should be thanking you."

Ja'Far nods, "We probably wouldn't've had the deal without your help (Y/N)."

I grin, spinning around as we walk towards the dock where Sinbad's ship is tied down.

When we reach the dock, I gaze up at their huge boat. And nearly gasp.

"You act like you've never seen a ship before!" Sinbad laughs.

"I-I haven't been on a ship in years!" I grin running aboard, and climbing the lookout, so I'm at the very top of the sails. I can see the entire city from here,  including the castle. I can even see the room which would be Aria's. Part of me pretends I can see her standing in the window waving, and I wave back, knowing she's not there.

I hear Sinbad call out from below me, "Be careful!"

Just to mess with him, I jump off the top, watching his face of horror, as he stands where I would fall. If I didn't use my Djinn to catch me. With one flap of the wings that sprouted out of my back, I fly back into the air.

Sinbad grins in amazement, and as I land and my wings go away, he runs over.

"You're Djinn looks awesome (Y/N)!" he laughs, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Put me down." I tell him, blushing slightly. He does as I say, before running if so that we can leave port.

"Goodbye Tenrou." I smile, standing on the back of the boat as we leave.


"We're going to our warehouse in Reim!" Sinbad announces, "And when we get there you'll get to meet everybody, and we can have a huge party."

"How do you expect to handle the expenses Sin?" Ja'Far sighs.

"We can work that out later, for now we just have to celebrate (Y/N)'s arrival." Sinbad grins.

Imagining the party I smile. I didn't really like parties too much with my mother around. I love dancing and eating no matter what, but with my mother around everything seemed rehearsed. Plus, without her I can go all out. Drinking that is. It's been too long since I've gotten the chance to-

"Why're you grinning so much (Y/N)?" Sinbad asks.

I laugh before explaining it to him.

He starts laughing with me, "You like it that much? More than dancing? More than capturing dungeons?"

"I wouldn't go that far." I laugh, as we reach the port of Reim.

I look out at the town, as I help Sinbad and Ja'Far pull in the boat. On the dock a few people are waiting, a giant blue haired couple and a red haired boy clad in armor.

I wave to them over the side of the boat, assuming they're here for Sinbad.

Sure enough they are, as soon as Ja'Far lowers the gang plank so they can get on, the three people are unloading goods from Tenrou.

"So I'm told you're the princess (Y/N)?" the red haired boy asks, carrying a crate filled with spices in his arms.

"Yes, and who would you be?" I ask, picking up my backpack.

"I'm Mystras, of Sasan, I'm here like you are, as a representative."

"You wouldn't happen to be the knight king's son would you?" I ask raising an eyebrow. The boy is eerily familiar, and the only people I know from Sasan would be the Knighthood.

"How'd you know!?" he exclaims, as we walk across the cobblestone to the warehouse.

"Lucky guess." I answer cheekily.

We arrive at the warehouse, a giant marble building with the name Sindria across the front. As I step inside, I see workers bustling about, carrying crates and scrolls. Everyone seems to have a job, but when I walk in with Mystras and the others, they stop what they're doing. Suddenly they burst into cheers, obviously excited to have their leader Sinbad back.

"Everyone I'd like you to meet princess  (Y/N) of Tenrou. She's the one who got us the agreement with her country, so tonight we'll celebrate!" he announces, as the room bursts into another round of applause.

I wave at a few people, while still grinning. The workers here seem inviting, and I can't wait until we have a party with all of them here.

Afterwards, the tall blue haired woman, named Rurumu, takes me to a room to put away my things.

"You won't be living here, but you can get ready here for that party Sinbad's throwing. I'm  glad Sinbad finally has a girl his age around, maybe he could learn something from you and in the future-"

"Sorry Rurumu, I- uh..."

"I'm only teasing (Y/N)," her laughter shaking the room, "Anyhow, I left something for you on the bed, I took it from one of the crates from Tenrou. It'll be interesting to see you in traditional clothing from your country."

I nod, as she leaves. I walk over to the bed, to see what she picked out, as my jaw drops.

It's a (f/c)  two piece belly dancing outfit, revealing my entire midriff and all of my legs. Translucent jewels set in gold drip off from the fine fabric in multiple places. The outfit itself is small, nearly a bikini, yet there is a see through fabric that you hold out with your hands to dance with, or cover up with. A few golden arm cuffs and bangles lay next to the outfit as well.

I don't bother telling Rurumu that this is not traditional Tenrou wear, I decide I'll wear it no matter how embarrassing it may be. It's not that I hate showing skin, but as a princess my Mother never really allowed it. Perhaps this is helping me get out of my comfort zone.

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