5. Eternal Waltz

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Emerging myself into the mess that is the dance floor, I begin mimicking the footwork of those around me. I dance around Sinbad, quickly catching onto the rhythm and style of this dance. I shout and cheer along side strangers, as we all are overcome with happiness.

What I didn't predict was how the dance ended, by throwing the person in the center (Sinbad) into the air. My jaw drops as I'm nearly certain he'll hit the ceiling. When he doesn't a wave of relief crashes over me. I let out a sigh, as the crowd disperses, while the song comes to a close.

Soon it's only me and Sinbad left on the dance floor. He bows graciously, and extends his hand as the next song starts. I take his hand with a curtsy as the musicians begin to play a classic waltz. Placing one of my hands on his shoulder, he takes my other hand in his, while resting his hand on my waist. We begin moving slowly, our steps contrasting with my quick heartbeat. Once again I feel myself being absorbed by the music, the sounds of everything else fading away.

This time though, it feels different. No longer alone, it makes the connection between us feel somehow stronger. I hesitate in asking him if he feels the same way, as my voice catches in my throat. We stare into each other's eyes, trusting our feet to move correctly on their own. An unspoken conversation occurs, one where I realize that I'm undoubtedly attracted to this man, whom I know so little about. I smile, as his lips mirror mine.

He dips me backwards, cradling my back, preventing me from toppling to the floor. As he swings me back up towards him, a laugh escapes my mouth. It comes out distorted, sounding almost like a cry. Sinbad's eyes widen with worry, but I shake my head, as he calms down.

We spin around the marble ballroom floor for what seems like hours. The song itself seems eternal, and I find myself hoping it won't end. I stare up at the chandelier above us, as Sinbad lifts me off of my feet into the air. I feel like I'm flying, at the top of the lookout of his ship once again.

After setting me down, the song ends, and the world around us begins spinning like normal once more. The people on the edge of the dance floor come into focus, and they start filling up the space we previously were caught up in. For a moment, Sinbad and I simply stare at each other, neither of us wanting to let go. Neither of us speaks either, but the words 'What now?' seem to linger.

Finally breaking the trance, I let go of his hand, and curtsy, as another girl steps in to take my place. I can feel his eyes on me as I take my leave to sit and watch. Rurumu motions for me to take the seat next to her and I do.

I sit silently watching, not wanting to speak, and truly end whatever just occurred.

"Magical?" Rurumu asks, her voice softer than before.

I nod, turning away from the dance floor so that I can look at her, "I've danced with hundreds of different people before, what made that one... like that?"

"Princess, it is something out of stories, that I cannot begin to explain. But if it helps, I can tell Sinbad is feeling the same as you." she smiles, glancing to where he dances with a slender brunette.


The night comes to a close, as people slowly and lazily file out of the enormous ballroom. My eyes have started to droop, as I let out a yawn. Ja'Far grasps my elbow, awakening me for a moment.

"We are taking our leave now, Princess." he informs me, leading me outside towards a carriage, "We already took your backpack and clothes to the villa."

I nod, before slurring, "Thank you."

I ride alone in the carriage which takes me to a giant mansion, decorated with flowers and shrubs. I'm amazed that Sinbad, being only sixteen, could own this place.

I step out of the carriage and onto the stone steps leading to the front door, and ascend them, denying the assistance of the guards stationed at the bottom of the steps. While walking upwards, I notice how tired my legs really are, dancing all night nearly non-stop took its toll. I make it to the massive wooden front doors and step inside. Glancing around at the numerous antiques and fine furniture.

A maid, looking to be about my age, with mousy hair, and large green eyes leads me to what will be my room, and also gives me sleep wear.

I undress, taking off the skimpy two piece I had been wearing earlier, and changing into a long white silk robe, which falls just short of my knees. The fabric is soft against my skin, as well as cold, which makes me seek the comfort of the bed.

I lay down on the large bed at the center of the room, and melt into its soft feathery mattress. Even my bed at home wasn't this comfortable.. Then again, maybe it's just being so tired that makes it more inviting.

Regardless, I wrap myself up in the soft comforter, and drift to sleep.


I rise the next morning feeling refreshed. After removing my makeup and washing my face, I put on a pair of black pants and a white shirt. Pulling my (h/c) hair into a messy bun, I find my way to the dining room, where familiar faces are seated.

I make eye contact with Sinbad, and blush slightly, remembering last night. I wonder if he is as obsessed with it as I am..

"I've never seen a girl wear those kind of clothes so carelessly before." Ja'Far remarks, before Rurumu hits him on the head.

"Princess (Y/N) is free to wear whatever she likes." she clarifies, glaring at him.

I start laughing as everyone turns their heads to face me, "You sounded like my mother for a second Ja'Far."

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