10. Just a Little Longer

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I wake up the next morning, light flooding in through an opened window, and a familiar purple haired figure leans against the wall. I can barely make out the whites of he eyes, but I hear his voice float over to me, "Good morning Princess."

I yawn, and stretch my arms above my head before asking, "Why are you in here?"

He walks over and sits on the edge of my bed, running his hands over the blankets, "I need to talk to you."

"What about?" I ask, yawning once more.

"I- I think I love you (Y/N)." he stutters, as he turns bright red.

My mouth drops open, and my eyes go wide. He waits patiently for my response, as my heart races. I don't know how to convey my feelings, my worry, my confusion..

"Sinbad I love you too, but where does that leave us now?" I ask, reaching out my hand to his.

He looks from his hand to me, then back, thinking it over. Finally, he looks into my eyes, and leans towards me. Closing the distance between us, his lips connect with mine. Not innocently, like a tease, but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I want to pull away before I lose myself but I can't seem to...In this moment, my senses are too overwhelmed to move away. I succumb to his touch, and when he finally removes his hands from my cheek, and pulls away, I find myself longing for his touch again.

He's grinning wide now, as he tells me, "It leaves us to do that as often as we can."

I punch him playfully in the shoulder, as I rise from the warm bed. I catch him staring at me, twirling around in my white night dress. I walk over to the window and lean out as Sinbad comes to my side.

"We're leaving back to Reim tomorrow."

I look him up and down before questioning, "What ever happened to the dagger?"

"Apparently it was cursed.. I didn't give it to him, but we worked out a trading deal anyways." he explains.

I smile, "Amazing."

He cocks his head to the side as if asking me what I meant.

"You were able to negotiate without even giving it to him."

"Yes.. But my Djinn might have had something to do with that."

"Ah." I say realizing, the King must've been impressed, or rather scared, by Sinbad's power.

"(Y/N), since we're not leaving until tomorrow.. Would you like to go out into the town tonight?" he asks, his eyes pleading.

"What like a date?" I laugh, before turning to face him. He's completely serious, and looks slightly put off by my laughter.

"Of course."


Running up the cobblestone path, I turn backwards to face Sinbad, who has a huge grin on his face. I lead him through the crowd, holding his hand.

Tonight the whole capital city of Edindrae is having a festival, celebrating the new political arrangement. Sinbad of course is the guest of honor, but he managed to sneak away on my account, so we could go on our 'date'. It's already night, and townspeople are covering the streets, children carrying paper lanterns run being chased by their parents.

I laugh twirling around, and stop at a vender selling the same paper lanterns everyone else is carrying. I turn to Sinbad, my eyes wide, as he pulls out a few coins to exchange for a lantern.

I grab the lantern I want, a bright blue one, decorated with teal flowers, and the Edindrae emblem scrawled on the front.

As we walk away from the booth, we head towards the castle where the rest of our 'crew' is currently enjoying a grand party thrown by the royal family.

We walk around the castle, towards a large garden. All types of foreign flowers are planted in rows, and I stop to pick a few, making a bouquet in my hands.

"Should we go back to the party?" I ask, silently hoping he says no.

He shakes his head, "We should stay just a little longer."

I smile, grabbing his hand again, and running down a path that has tall hedges on both sides. At the end of the wall of hedges, sits a marble pavilion, with vines growing up its pillars.

We sit down under the pavilion, enjoying the cool breeze, and the distant sound of music floating through the castles open windows. I rest my head against Sinbad's shoulder, and listen to the rise and fall of his breath.

"I have to return to Tenrou." I sigh, my gaze focusing on the hedges moving with the breeze.

Sinbad shifts underneath my head, forcing me to sit up straight, and he looks at me, "What do you mean by that?"

I shrug, "I just mean I have things to do in Tenrou..." I vaguely explain, "I-I got a letter from my Sister."

Sinbad cocks his head to the side, "You we're just there three months ago, what was the letter about?"

I avoid eye contact with him, before telling him, "Our Mother is sick, and she's deciding who will take the throne."

"What does that mean for you?"

He lightly grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him, "If I take the throne, it means I'll have to leave."

"But you could come back right? I mean they can't-"

"If I'm queen, I can't abandon everything." I laugh cynically, "I was raised for this role, it's unlikely the throne goes to my sister."

"Do you want to take the throne?" he asks, "Wouldn't that be easier?"

"It may be easier, but I've always thought Aria would be better.."

"You don't want to take any throne.. But staying with me would make you a queen too." he says suddenly.

"That's different-"

"What about it is different?" he asks, clenching his fists, and staring at the ground, "You'd be queen either way."

"You make it different Sin." I whisper.

Teen Sinbad x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now