Chapter 6

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     You sat on his couch as Sonic sat next to you. "So, what would you like to know?" He smiled softly, laying back with his hands behind his head. You thought for a moment,"Do you have any other friends besides Tails?" Sonic glanced at you," Well ya, there's Knuckles, Amy, Shadow... Well I'm not sure about him.. Anyways uhh, Silver, Blaze, Cream, Rouge, Espio, Vector, Charmy, aaaannnndddd....... Uhhhhh oh geez what was her name... Oh ya, Emily." You widened your eyes,'He has more friends then me on Earth..' You thought to yourself. Sonic widened his eyes,"Oh, whoops, Almost forgot one!" He bopped your nose,"and you, Y/N!" You blushed slightly and Sonic noticed."You... Are my friend.. R-right?" Sonic looked slightly worried because he assumed you were sense you both just met that day. "Ya, Ya! Don't worry Sonic, I am your friend," you said smiling thoughtfully. Sonic smiled back.... His emerald eyes gleamed from the sunlight shining slightly in his eyes as yours did too. Your face began heating up as Sonic started leaning towards you. He was about to kiss you but then he was interrupted by his stomach growling. He stood up and said," S-Sorry Y/N, heheh, guess I'm hungry! Why don't we go to some place to eat?" You tried to take everything in on what just happened, then you nodded,"Sure, I'm pretty hungry myself." You stood up and Sonic picked you up, he walked outside and said,"I know a great place! Hold on!" Sonic playfully winked at you and you held on for dear life. Getting ready for his speed.

Author's note: 

Hey guys! So sorry about not updating this sooner, you see it's really hard to find a lot of time to write a part to this story! Anyways, hope you guys like it! :D 

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