Chapter 11

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You got ready for the party, and so did Sonic. You both were standing by the front door and you looked at Sonic. "Um.. Where's the party..?" "At Amy's house." He responded plainly. "...I don't know where Amy's house is," You said plainly back. "We'll walk together then," and with that he opened the door and walked out, not waiting for you however. You quickly walked out and closed the door, then walked along side with him.

'Walking..? We're walking?' You thought to yourself. Something is definitely wrong if Sonic wants to walk. "Has everything been ok?" You ask, looking at him. "Everything has been just fine," He said, continuing to look straight ahead. "Are you sure? You've been acting a little.. plain lately." "I said I was fine, and if I wasn't fine, I would say so. Sonic is just fine." 'Now he's talking about himself in third person?' You thought.

"We're here," Sonic said, standing in front of a very pink house. We stood by the door for a good moment and then I looked at him, "Aren't you going to ring the door bell? You're the closest." "Right," he said, and then pushed the door bell.

You could hear running inside, the feet getting louder, and some loud voice saying, "That must be Sonic!" The door then slammed open and Amy was standing there, smiling widely. "AH! Sonic I'm so glad you could make it!" Amy ran over and hugged him super tightly, but Sonic still didn't show much emotion. He then patted her back slowly. You felt slightly jealous about this hug, and glanced away. Amy then looked over and saw you, then smiled even wider, "OMG Y/N!!!" She hugged you tightly, and looked up at you, "I'm so happy that you came too!" You smiled back, "Me too, honestly!" Amy then let go and waved her hand frantically, "Come inside you two!"

You followed behind Amy as she walked inside and Sonic followed you. Sonic didn't close the door however, and you were about to close it, but then a hot pink hedgehog came by and closed the door. You looked at her, and then she looked at you, giving you a warm smile. "Hello, you must be that person who came from Earth, right?" You nodded. "Heard about the whole story, anyways, my name is Emily the hedgehog, your's?" You shook her hand, "It's Y/N." Emily smiled, "What a lovely name." "Thank you!" "Well I got to go, one of my friends seem to be down in the blues as usual, enjoy the party!" "You too!" You both waved as Emily walked over to a black and red hedgehog. You reverted your attention back to the party.

You look around and then spot Sonic, being really quiet in his group of friends. You walk over and then say, "Hi.." You were kind of timid at first sense you didn't really know them.

Time skip because I am laZY~

You then finally got to know everyone at the party, and they all seemed pretty nice, except Shadow of course.

Everything was going fine until Knuckles was joking around with Sonic. He didn't laugh and just looked at him. Knuckles then patted his back roughly and said, "Come on, Sonic, lighten up a bit!" Immediately, Sonic's eyes glowed red, and grabbed Knuckles by his arm and smashed him against the snack table. Everyone got quiet, and the music stopped playing. You were looking at what happened wide-eyed.

Many girls and men rushed to help Knuckles, but knuckles got up himself and said, "I'm fine I'm fine! And what's the big deal, Sonic?!" Sonic's eyes were still glowing red but replied in a robot voice, "Self defense had been activated." "Activated?!" some people shouted.

"That's it, I'm tired of your nonsense!" Knuckles shouted as he punched Sonic right in the face, his spikes digging into his face, sending Sonic flying and hit the wall. Sonic got up, and you could see half of his skin was ripped off to reveal metal, half of his eye black with a red pupil. The people at the party were speechless.All the men, except Tails, stepped up to defeat this imposter.

Tails went ahead and told everyone to evacuate, before you could do anything however, the robot flew across the floor and grabbed a hold of you. Once it did, it flew out of the building. You screamed, and tried your best to break free but it was no use, the robot was too strong. The guys tried chasing after the robot, but then the robot flew up into the clouds, not being able to be seen anymore, making everyone lose its track.

Because of the higher altitude, and how heavy you were breathing from panic, you eventually passed out, everything going black.

Author's note: fINALLY FINISHED THSI CHAPTER GEEZ- anyways, enjoy guys! Stay tuned for the next chapter

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