Chapter 9

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(The picture on the top was drawn by me, but I got the background from google images. Just felt as if I should tell you XD)

Amy had a firm grasp on your hand, as you both ran through the city. You tried to keep up and not fall behind, for your legs were nearly tripping over everything. Amy then stopped completely, making you trip over an uneven concrete. Amy let go of your hand and looked down at you,"Hey, get up Silly! We're here!" She sounded so cheerful, as if nothing could break her happiness. She offered a hand to help you up, you accepted and got up. Luckily, when you tripped, it didn't give up a huge scratch, more of just one small little scratch. You then look up to see the mall. It was huge, but you weren't really impressed, all Malls on earth were huge.

        You both walked inside, and then started walking around the mall. As you two were walking, Amy asked,"Oh! I completely forgot to ask! Silly me, What is your name?" She looked over to you. You glanced over to her,"My name is Y/N." Amy smiled,"That's a lovely name! My name is Amy!" You already knew that, but you just remembered that she hasn't told you personally. She nodded, pretending you never knew,"Nice name!" Amy smiled,"Thank you!"

           Amy took a glance over to your side, and saw her favorite clothes store. She gasped,"Oh! I love this store! You need to get some clothes here!" She grabbed your hand and dragged you inside. You looked at the store, you were actually impressed. This store had really nice clothes. Amy looked around and then saw her favorite section. "Ooh! Come over here!" Once again, she dragged you to her favorite clothes section. You weren't even bothered by her dragging sense she seemed to do it so much. You looked at the section, there was so much pink and red clothes everywhere, and a lot of them were very poofy. You did not like this section, but Amy didn't seem to notice. She was already scrambling through some clothes.

While she was busy, you slowly walked away very quietly. You walked over to a clothing section, the clothes at that section were more of your style. You looked through some clothes, and looked at the prices. You were shocked with how low the prices were.

You were so engulfed by the prices, and how the clothing was so beautiful, that you didn't pay attention to a bat walk right by you. Her wings tend to stick out, so they swept across your back. You shivered at the feeling and looked around to see who caused it. Then, you saw a white bat, she was looking at you with an unpleased look. "Excuse me, but could you watch where you're going?" She said. You immediately started to get annoyed, seeing how rude this girl is.

You were about to say something but then you were interrupted by Amy running over to you with some clothes. "Hey, why'd you leave me over there?" Amy looked at you, and then at the bat. She smiled,"I didn't know you two already knew each other." The bat gave a slight disgust,"You know them, Amy?" Amy looked at the bat,"Well of course!" She then gasped,"Wait you two haven't met? Oh my! Well. Y/N, this is Rouge. Rouge, this is Y/N! There! Now you two know each other!" 'Rouge hm?' You thought to yourself. Rouge's looks faded away, and she looked calm. "Nice to meet you, Y/N," She wasn't smiling, nor was she disgusted. She was just frowning, unamused.

It was silent for a few seconds, until Amy then bursted out,"So! Rouge, I was giving Y/N some clothes to wear. They're actually not from here! They're from a planet called Earth. Some how they got transported here blah blah blah- And then when we met I decided to buy them some clothes!" Rouge looked at the clothes Amy was holding. "Well if you're buying clothes for them, at least get some that's their style. Not your's." Rouge gave a slight smile to you,"So I'm assuming these clothes are your style?" She pointed to the clothes you were standing by. You gave a nod and smiled. Amy frowned slightly, looking down at the clothes she picked. She then looked up and smiled,"Ooh! Those are perfect for them! Be right back!" She then zipped off back to the section she was at.

You, Rouge, and Amy then spent some time buying a lot of new clothes, and for the rest of the afternoon, you guys just went around the mall shopping for new stuff and hanging out. You got along with them so well that it's like you've known them for years.

You finally said your goodbyes to them, and got home back where Sonic is at. You came home, 2 big and heavy shopping bags in each hand. You look around, and didn't see Sonic. You set the shopping bags down and then walked around the house, calling Sonic's name. No answer, and the house was empty. You started to get worried, until you saw a note on the fridge. You grabbed the note and read it.

Hey, Y/N! I'm out for a small jog. Be back in a few! -Sonic

You smiled, relieved from the note. Most likely he had just left. You then look at your bags, and then realized,"..Where am I going to put all these clothes at?"

dUN DUN DUN EPIC CLIFFHANGER EVER!1!1!1!1!2 jk jk- I'm so sorry for this chapter being late! I've just been so busy and all, but I'm happy that you all are very patient! I'll try and get the next chapter up as soon as possible!

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