Chapter 10

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You put the clothes in Sonic's room, off into the corner. You organized them by different kinds of wear, shirt pile, pants pile, shorts pile, etc. You walk into the bathroom and then put all your own supplies in there so you didn't have to share with Sonic's

You then felt yourself yawn, it's been a long day, so you put on your pajamas and get into bed, sleeping peacefully inside.

Time skip...

You peeped open your eye, and then open your eyes wide when you realize you're in that same dark place again. You stand up and look around, and started hearing whimpering. You followed the sound, and then found Sonic crying, chains around his wrists, ankles, and neck. The same dark man you saw walked up behind Sonic, and you could see him smile widely, his glasses shining, but you still could not tell who he was. You felt terrified to see this, and tried helping Sonic, but the moment you touched him, you woke up. Panting and sweating, feeling yourself getting ready to tear up, but it was all a dream. "It felt so real.." You whimpered.

You hugged the covers and let out some tears, trying to get the image out of your head. You then hear a door creak open, and then shut. 'Sonic..?' you thought to yourself. You then got extremely excited! Wiping the tears off your face, you rush out of his room and to the front door. You immediately hug the blue hedgehog, "Oh my gosh I'm so glad you're here! I was worried you weren't going to come back!" but he kept silent, and doesn't hug you back. You noticed this and looked up at him, "Is.. everything ok?" His green eyes looked down at your E/C ones. "Yes, Y/N, everything is ok." He then gives you a smile, but the smile doesn't look like his usual smile, and his usual bright emerald eyes were now dull. You let go of him and stayed silent for a bit."...Okay.." You said suspiously. "Amy is holding a party tonight, we should go, together." He then raised a thumbs up, and did a slow wink, "It'll be fun." His voice even sounded dull and monotone. You then nod slowly, "Alright.." you then slowly walk away up to his room, giving him glances to see if he'll do anything, but he just stood there, smiling, watching your every move. Something is up with Sonic, but you don't want to bother him with questions.. not yet at least.

Author's note: omg, SO SORRY FOR THE LOOONNNGG WAIT, but you know how busy life can get! anyways, enjoy the chapter and sorry for it being so short! and I promise the next one will come soon! Anyways, have a lovely day!!

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