Chapter 12

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Recap: Sonic and you were casually partying up at Amy's house! Well.. sort of. Sonic has been acting strange lately, and you didn't know why, until it was revealed that Sonic is actually a robot! You are currently in the sky as this imposter flies you to an unknown location

       You groaned slightly, your vision blurry and your hearing muffled. You started to regain your consciousness and then sat up. You looked around and noticed something off, you were in a cage. You stood up and ran to the bars, looking around at your surroundings. It was pitch black, except for the light that shined on you.
      "Oh good, you're awake," a dark voice said. A large man stepped into the light. He wore a red coat with black pants, and a big brown mustache laid on his face. A large grin appeared on him. "You must be wondering on where you are? Well.." he clapped his hands and the whole room was shown. It was a huge laboratory, with machines and large containers filled with chemicals.
       The man laughed maniacally as you looked around. "You are the key to what I'm planning! Eheheh.. oh! Almost forgot, my name is Dr. Eggman, the greatest, smartest, scientist in the world!" His glasses then shined as he grinned darkly. That look.. the figure.. it finally clicked. He's the man that's been haunting your dreams!
      "H-Hey! I've seen you in my dreams!" You exclaimed. "You were-" you were cut off by your own gasp, remembering Sonic chained up. "Where's Sonic?!" You demanded.
       Eggman chuckled. "Curious aren't we? Well if you want to know so bad.." He pointed behind you. You turned around and then saw Sonic at the other side of the wall. He was laying on the floor, chains on his wrists, ankles, and neck just like you saw him. "Sonic!" You exclaimed, rushing to the other side of the cage. "Sonic wake up! It's me, Y/N!!" Eggman laughed again, "Silly girl, he can't hear you! He's out cold."
      You felt yourself grasp the bars tightly, staring at Sonic's body. He had marks where the chains were, bags under his eyes. Eggman has been torturing him... You screamed, "SONIC!" Sonic's body then slightly moved, before he pulled his eyelids back weakly to gaze at you. His eyes widened as he immediately tried running to you, but the chains held him back. "Y/N!- urGK-" When he ran forward, he felt the chain around his neck tighten, so he had to back up to his spot. "Y/N! I'm so sorry- When I was out, I ended up meeting with Metal Sonic. He was powerful- I couldn't defeat him on my own. I tried- I tried to break out I did- Y-Y/N-" You interrupted him. "Sonic it's ok.. it's ok.. you did your best, and that's all that matters.." You smiled the best you could to him. Sonic looked up at you, trembling. He slowly smiled weakly back at you.
"Alright enough with this touchy stuff," Eggman said. "It's time to finally reveal my plan of taking over the world!" He laughed. "My plan was to capture Sonic, torture him to the point of exhaustion, and then bring you here, Y/N." He bent down to your cage. "You see, my bots have been recording everything Sonic and his friends are up to, and I noticed that you are new! From a planet called Earth. I'll have you know.. I used to live on Earth, and already have a device to transport myself to and from there." Your heart dropped. "... What are you getting at, Egghead?" Sonic bud in. Eggman straightened out. "Quiet! What I'm saying is.. Aren't you wondering how you got here, Y/N?" You froze. No.. no no no. "Y-..You're lying!" You shouted. "Am I?~"
Eggman walked to a large computer and pressed a button, launching a video to open up. It was a camera recording the current room they were in, a big portal device spitting out a [colored species] C/S. You looked at it closely. It was you.. you were blacked out. Some robots grabbed a hold of you as Eggman stood there, staring over you with a dark chuckle. "She's perfect.. Put her somewhere where Sonic will find her!" The robots then walked off with you, and the video ended.
You stood there, going blank. You didn't know how to react, what to say, or know what to do. Until Sonic broke in, "Why would you do this?!" Eggman chuckled, "You see, everyone of your friends aren't so easy to capture these days. I needed someone new. Someone who doesn't have any tricks up their sleeves, someone I knew you'd grow attached to... So watching them suffer would be all the more damaging.."
You felt a knot in your throat, tears getting in your eyes. You slowly turned your head to Sonic. "..I-..I-I'm sorry.." Sonic shook his head. "No! No don't apologize! This wasn't your fault- This isn't fair to you! EGGMAN! You'll pay for this! When I get out- I'll-!" "You'll what? You've tried everything, Sonic! There's nothing you can do now to stop me."
An alarm started. Eggman raised a brow and then turned to his computer. It showed Sonic's friends running towards his base. Eggman growled, but then adjusted his glasses. "We'll start your torture by making you watch your new friends do everything they can to save you, but fail in the end.." He then got into his egg mobile and waved. "Enjoy the show! GaHAHAHAHAH!-" He then floated off, an army of robots following behind. You both could do nothing but watch the computers in your containment....

Author's note: Damn it's been a whole 3 years I think since I updated this. Felt bad I left you all hanging so here you go

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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