Tony's Lovely Little Sister

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A shiver ran up my spine and straight to my brain. My spidey sense is tingling. I stood up just to duck before the ball could even touch me. "Oh come on! I was this close to hitting you I really was!" I looked at my best friend Clint Barton laughing, "Nice try Barton but you'll never be able hit me. You can't catch a spider!" he rolled his eyes at me then scooped my up beginning to carry me back to the living room. "The only reason I can't catch you is because your spider sense." he laughed as he threw me on to Steve's lap.

pause: My name is Roxxanne Stark or Roxxie for short. My brother is Tony Stark and I'm a genius like him and I'm an Avenger just like him. I have the powers of a spider you know like my spidey sense where I can sense things that are threating me, how I can climb walls, and most importantly how I can shoot webs out of my wrist. I'm called America's Spider I got that name because Captain American likes to look out for me and we even run missions together .unpause

"Hey Cap, what's new?" I said looking up. He looked down at me, smiled, and said, "Well we all have to go into S.H.E.I.L.D later today I think that Director Fury wanted to go some stuff about the things that had been going on." I huffed and the slammed my face into one on the cushions. I really didn't want to go just do hear about things that don't have to do with me as if any of my villains ever do anything anymore since I last beat Doctor Octopus. As if Steve could read my thoughts he said " You're going we all are." Oh darn I thought he beat me to the punch as he usually does.

Hours later we were all sitting in uniform as our hero forms well all except Tony as usual. Minutes later he came in and not as Iron Man but as Tony holding the suit is case form and with some blonde guy. Who was this guy? Were we supposed to be protecting him? I highly doubt it he was big and strong carrying a hammer that I was so sure he used as a weapon and oh by the elements he was very good looking. My spidey sense started tingling and I ducked before Tony hit the back of my head. " My god Roxxanne were you even listening to what I said?" My eyes widened in shock they were talking to me and I spaced out I don't normally ever do that." No, Tony I'm sorry I didn't hear you say it again ." Tony rolled his eyes at me and cast me a worried glance but started to explain again. "This is Thor he's from this planet called Asgard he is an avenger he was around when we beat Loki." I nodded showing that I got it and wasn't losing my mind. I looked at Thor. "Hi I'm Roxxanne but you can call me Roxxie." He nodded in greeting then moved to sit next to Bruce who he also nodded to. Finally Director Fury came in and looked at all of us stopping on Thor. " Good to have you back Mr. Odinson." He got a nod back in response, can this guy talk? I thought. Anyway the director proceeded to go on about things that really didn't concern me but then he said the name Doctor Octopus causing me to sit up straighter in my seat considering that he was one of my villains. " What did he do? When did he do it? And why was I not the first to know about it?" Before I could say anything else Hawkeye jumped in. "Whoa, Spidey, let's let the director finish yea?" I nodded my head the gave the gesture for him to continue. "It seems the Doctor is planning on bringing a team in to help him do his work and gain control over the city. Do you have any information on that Ms. Spider. All eyes turned to me expecting me to have something to give them and luckily I did. " The Sinister Six. The last time I beat Doc Ock he told me that I wouldn't be able to next time because he'd have some friends who were willing to help him. But I don't know who the other five will be it could be anyone from Electro to Mysterio." I said spilling all I knew. Thor had a questioning look on his face and I could tell I wasn't going too like what he said." Can this spider take on all six on her own?" I furrowed my brows and squinted in anger. How dare he I thought and Black Widow gasped in the back of her throat. Before I could respond an alarm went off causing Agent Hill to burst into the room. "Sir the Hobgoblin is trying to blow up a bridge!" The director looked over at me and I smirked." Show him what you can do." And that was all the inspiration I needed I was out of a window and swinging through the air toward the bridge.

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