Chapter 4

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We walked back into the kitchen. Thor began to approach me and then proceeded to speak. "I have realized my actions were wrong. On my planet to the girls we-" I didn't even let him finish talking. "No I don't like you. do you think just because your a prince you can treat people like that? The only reason I haven't launched you from the landing pad is because the team needs you. So could you just not bother me unless it's a team related? Thanks." And with that said I walked off not waiting for him to respond.

The next day I was sitting on the couch upside down When Thor came in. He said nothing to me but sat down on the far side of the couch. Not really wanting to be in the same room as him I shot a web at the ceiling and then crawled away on it into another room. On my approach I looked down and saw Captain America looking back up at me. "Hey you just come from a mission or?" he shook his head. " No I was actually on my way to come get all of you. What are you doing up there?" " Oh I had to do a quick escape I did not want to be in there." he looked in and saw Thor. "You have to get along with him we need both of you on the team and the team won't work if you two hate each other. You know what they say a house divided won't stand. but you have to do that later we have to get to HQ. Fury needs us for something."

Back at S.H.E.I.L.D for another time this week sitting next to Hawkeye and as far away from Thor as I can get waiting for the director to show up."Why are we here? I have new suits I can be building and things that I actually want to do besides being here!" Tony was just about to blow up when Fury walked into the room. " Calm down Stark i can hear you in the hallway." I looked over and shrugged raising my voice to a squeaky one. " I didn't even say anything! Why are you telling me to calm down?" Fury rolled his eyes and pointed at Tony to show he was talking to him. " Well I would be calm but you called us in and I still don't know why." The director shook his head and we all became confused. " I really only meant for Captain America and his spider to show up. But since you are all here, you can all know." Everyone turned to the Captain who blushed and embarassing shade of red. "Oops." Everyone rolled their eyes at him and then look at the director to continue. "I have a mission for you two. "I shook my head there was no way I was going on a mission. "But what about the sinister six? Who knows when you're coming!" He raised his eyebrows at me I thought I wouldn't win this argument. "Do you have information on the sinister six? Do you know when and if they're coming? No so don't refuse the order of your director. Understood?" Crinkling my nose and anger, no one talks to me like this I think I'm going to tell him what I really feel. Before I can even get my chance to speak he jumps in. "But you have the same amount information is her do you not? Do you know when they're coming? Do you know where they will arrive? Which six what actually be there? What if they arrive just as she's fighting the other mission?Who fight them if they are her villains?" Thor said in anger. Wait did he just stick up for me?" Director Fury was just as shocked as me. " I suppose that is a valid point. Captain do you think you can handle a mission without your spider?" The Captain snapped back from his state of shock. " Yes sir I think I can manage this time." Nodding the director let us all go well except Cap of course. I wanted to talk to Thor but he left very quickly and I don't know which way he went. I just wanna know why he stood up for me after what I said to him.

At the mansion again I still couldn't find Thor I just needed him. I couldn't get him out of my mind that was so sweet and kind. He shouldn't have done it I was so mean to him. Why would he even think f that?

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