chapter 2

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How dare he? I think this my whole way to the bridge, can I take on the Sinister Six on my own I mean they're my villains I can beat them separately and I could beat them if they want to team up. I get to the location to see Hobgoblin has a whole section of cars blocked and is about to throw one of his stupid bombs at them. With taking no time to think I swing in just in time to web the bomb and have no accident occur. Hobgoblin noticed me and began his villainous monologue. "Well if it isn't America's Spider showing up  right on time to save the worthless and pathetic little mortals." Then before I could even give my come back he threw seven more bombs at the bridge. I count them off as I get wrap them in webs. One... Two ... Three... Four... Five... Six... Got them all I think to myself. Wait! He threw seven I only got six. "CLEAR OUT NOW! I yelled at the people who stayed on the bridge. BOOM the bomb exploded and there was a kid stuck in the back of a car. Great I think as I shoot a web at the remains of the bridge and swing down to grab the car with another. The back window is busted and she can crawl out of it. "Come on I can't hold forever." I have to speak calmly to her I know she's scared. She shakes her head at me is she not going to come? " I-I can't I'm to scared!" I can not have scared right now I know the Hobgoblin is still up there. "Yes you can. I mean I'm holding up car and I shouldn't be able to be so yes you can!" She slowly starts to climb and she's almost there... then the bumper my web is holding breaks off the car. At the last second I shoot a web into the car and pull her out. "See that wasn't so hard you did great." I talk to her as I set her in her father's arms. He's crying and before he can even offer me thanks Hobgoblin showed up I tell them to run. I then launch webs left and right at him one hits him in the face and I take that opportunity to use webs to snatch the glider from under his feet and he falls flat on his back. Launching the glider up then letting it fall and smash I go to wrap up Hobgoblin. The hellicarrier landed and two agents take Hobgoblin from me while more go pick up his glider remainders. Director Fury walked me back to the conference room as I was debriefed on what just happened. Upon arrival I smirk at Thor as a sign of boom I better than you think. Captain America salutes at me, Tony takes me into a bone crushing hug going on about how badass I am, I get a fist bump from Hawkeye, and a nod from Black Widow and Bruce. I take into account that Thor said nothing that'll show him to not judge my skill.    

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