Chapter 7

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What would I do when the time came? I knew Sandman's story I knew about his daughter I thought I knew he was done but I thought wrong. " So do you have any idea when they are coming?" I asked Director Fury. " No we haven't got that much intel. We do however want you to stay ready and focused, You see anything even a grain of sand out of place I want to hear about it." I nodded taking it as my que to leave.

At the mansion I walked in to see them eating so I took my place between Tony and Clint fist bumping him as I sat down. "So what's up at HQ?" Clint asked as Steve set a  plate in front of me. I gave them the run around and when I finished they sat with faces of astonishment." So Sandy isn't done?" Clint asked. I shrugged. "I guess not. I mean I thought he was but I obviously thought wrong. Maybe he has a reason to be back with the evil side. Maybe they are threating him who knows I just don't think he's evil again. 

Everything had gone back to normal. Then we had to go and turn on the tv. There they were the Sinister Six causing mayhem in my city I watched for to long cause I had time to spot all six members. Not wasting anymore time I suited up and was about to swing when Steve stopped me. " I know you can handle them you've been doing it for years but if you need help just use the comm ok?" I looked at him and the rest of my team and nodded then was out of the window.

I was on the scene like lighting. Doctor Octopus had taken some poor defenseless man and flung him into the air just in time I put a web under him for him to be cradled into. Doctor Octopus had noticed this and turned to face me. "Well well look who decided to join the party." At that moment Electro appeared beside him. " It is shocking to see you here." Really I thought he's doing puns and bad ones at that. Mysterio appeared next to me then next the doctor. "I haven't seen you in a while." I smirked." I guess you didn't wanna get beat then huh?" He snarled just as Kraven hopped down from a building and Vulture swooped down from the skies. Just one more I thought then Sand blew in and formed Sandman. " Alright then let's fight." He said avoiding eye contact with me. Then I realized there is only one of me and six of them what would I do?

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