chapter 9

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Really now that I had backup this wasn't even remotely hard. Cap had was having an easy time and just grabbing octo arms and slicing them off with the shield so Doc just tried to keep the last two away from him. Sandman had vanished into some construction zone so I followed. "Come  on I saw you come in here! Don't hide from me." Sand blew in front of me and he began to form. We had a bit of a staring contest before he broke the silence. "I didn't want to be with them ya know."                         "Then why are you?"                                                                                                                                       "Keeping you safe. You helped me and once the Doctor came to me talking about getting revenge on you I thought he would have killed you so I came to stop it."                                                                     "I knew it! I just knew you wouldn't go evil again!"                                                                                               "Yea but it doesn't look like you need me with your super buddies there so I'll let you get back to it. I know you'll have to take me in later so I will come peacefully.                                                                       " I'll explain to Fury I already told him I thought you weren't evil and so did he so that's all we gotta tell him about you and then you can go home. Deal." He nodded then I took off on a web knowing he would sand up and follow me.

Getting back the Avengers had just finished helping Ironman and they had the Sinister Five all wrapped up. Captain America saw me."Where is the Sandman?" I pointed next to me and he had started to take shape."He is not a threat and he is not evil just like I said. He was protecting me from them that's why he is here." Cap knew it too and him being all him and stuff held out his hand for Sandman to shake his hand."Thanks for looking out for my spider. I'm sure she already has a story for Fury so after she tells it you can go home."                                                                                                   " Umm kinda already covered that one Cap." I said smiling                                                                           "Well then ok I was just covering then." I stuck my tounge out just as the we all got pulled up in this electomagentic field thingy.                                                                                              

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