chapter 3

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The next morning back at Avengers mansion I woke up and looked at the clock 10:30 I guess now is as good as any time to get up. I basically threw myself into he refrigerator for the milk for my cereal. Chewing on my Fruit Loops everyone else began filing in the kitchen. Fist bumping Clint as he walked by and giving Tony a bite of my cereal we all sat around eating or drinking coffee. Then Thor appeared around the corner. "Good morning my friends." Everyone did some sort greeting I just looked into my cereal and stirred it around a little nobody noticed except Clint and when I looked up he was starring me. I mouthed an I don't like him and he remembered yesterday then he nodded.

Eventually we ended up back at headquarters, Hobgoblin was still in custody and had to be questioned. Normally when I questioned someone Captain America was with me or even Hawkeye but why did I walk into the interrogation room to find there was Thor in the Cap's spot. "what are you doing?" I asked Thor. " I am waiting for you so we can question the goblin that is what you do in an interrogation room." I squinted my eyes at him did he think I was stupid I'm from this planet I knew what to do in an interrogation room." Why? Where is the Capitan or even Hawkeye?" Thor looked at me his blue eyes sparkling. "The Captain is running a solo mission and Hawkeye has went on a mission with Lady Widow." What is going on why would they leave me with him I don't like him and if my partner or my secondary is gone I should be aloud to do an interrogation all on my own. If I can take the villain down I should be aloud to interrogate him on my own! You know what I can do this I can do this I'm not going to let him do this to me. "Fine let's do this I'm going to go get the Hobgoblin you just stay here."

Pushing Hobgoblin up the hallway toward the interrogation room he tried to make conversation. "You look quite upset for someone who is always so happy and cocky what is bothering you?" I looked at him. " Shut up and keep walking." I hissed. He shrugged but kept walking I wanted to tell him but I wasn't abut confide in a villain. Pushing him into the room and Thor stood I knew Hobgoblin was about to say something. " Oh who is this are we going to play a game I like games." I pushed him into the chair. " Yea we're gonna play a game. You play by answering my questions truthfully and not trying to trick either of us got it?" he smiled that stupid smile and nodded. "OK then let's play. When was the last time you spoke to Doctor Octopus?" The Hobgoblin took time to think as if he were going to answer right. " I had not spoken to my friend Doctor Octavis in a matter of time." I nodded my head taking it into consideration." So you have no clue what the Sinister Six is?" He furrowed his brow then shook his head. Now I was confused then what did he blow up the bridge for? As if Thor read my mind he asked, " Then what purpose did you have for blowing up the bridge?" Hobgoblin didn't answer instead he asked," Is it your place to question me? I thought it was the person who caused my defeat to ask me things." I was in shock I started thinking about what would happen to the normal person if they said something like that to Thor. Then a loud crash got me from my internal thoughts Thor had Hobgoblin up against the wall. "WHOA HEY THOR STOP!!!" I separated them them pushing the goblin back in his chair and Thor ooutsider the door. "What are you doing? You can't do that to him he's in custody." When Thor looked at me all the anger in his eyes diminshed. Then he turned and walked away," You can finish a this on your own."

It turns out Hobgoblin knew nothing and wasn't really of use so i just handed him over to Director Fury. Walking into the mansion I had no clue what to do normally who ever i questioned someone with would take me to eat. Food I thought lets start there. Walking to the kitchen I heard someone talking but kept walking anyway. I walked in where Thor was talking to Tony and at the sight of me they both shut up. "Don't just stop talking when I walk in what?" Tony looked Thor who just shook his head. Was he talking about me I knew he was. How dare he? Who does he think he is? "Nothing little sister just talking about... the weather you know." I gave Tony the do I look stupid face. "So Thor what's with leaving me in interrogation earlier?" He looked. "I had thought against leaving someone of your...but then remembered he was as weak as you could be so I left." My eyes had widened he just openly called me weak. " Umm did you just call me weak?" He shook his. " No I just said you weren't that strong." Just then Clint and Natasha walked in and I grab Clint and walked off. In the living room I started to whisper shout. " I don't like him he has to go! I swear if he makes one more comment about me on the sly I'm going to hurl my self off of Stark tower and not catch my self!" Clint looked at me, " Well I just can't tell him to go we need him on the team like we need you so can you get along or not?" I shook my head. " No he makes me sick! I hate him he thinks he so good!oh please why can't he just back to stupid Asgard?" He looked at me and in return I looked at him then we both nodded which meant I could tell him off then have to be team like afterwards.

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