Chapter 8

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Just as I was launch into the air my one of Doctor Octopus's arms I remember I was an avenger duh! "Ok let's even the odds." I said aloud as I picked myself of of the cement. " Cap can you hear me?" I yelled into the comm just as I swung into the air trying to avoid Sinister Six members as I called for help. " Loud and clear spidey. What do you need?"                                                                                                  "Are all the Avengers there?"                                                                                                                                     "Everyone except Black Widow, why?" I changed the comm from private to where we could all hear it. "This is your America's Spider requesting backup like right now. Suit up and meet me on Third street, that's right Tony I'm calling it. Avengers assemble!"

Running from them was hard they kept catching up. My villians had been putting in work getting ready for me. " Gotcha!" I heard then my spidey sense tingled and I webbed into the air only to be caught by Vulture, electricuted by Electro, and handed to Doctor Octopus by him. "Looks like it's game over Ms. Spider." I thought so to then I glanced at a street sign, Third Street, I looked up. I'd never thought I'd love the colors red and gold so much as I saw Ironman flying above me. Octo took one of his arms while I was distracted grabbed my throat and pinned me down with a smirk. I added a smirk of my own which confused him."You probably shouldn't have done that." I said which only confused him more as he tightened his grip he asked,"Why?"

He was knocked off of me by some thing hammer shaped. He flew straight into a brick build causing the other members to stay still in shock giving me time to bouce up and swing to where Doc Ock lay trapped with Thor's hammer on his chest. " Because that probably would hurt less." I ran back to the start of the street where the Avengers waited while the Sinister six tried prying the hammer off of thier leader. " What were you guys deciding if I really needed help before coming?"        " We're hear now so let's get to it." Cap said staring at Tony waiting for him to call it.                                 " America's Spider these are you villians. Call it." I didn't know what to say I've never ever "called it" before so I analyzed the situation then idea struck. " Ok Cap Doc Ock is all yours you gotta keep him from telling them what to do. Hawkeye Mysterio is right up your alley he can move quick but you can't miss him even if you wanted.Thor baby you gotta show Electro that your lighting is stonger than his. I'm taking on Sandman and before you object don't try and talk me out of it. Ironman bro that bird is just for you go get and use your replustors to pluck and skin him ask Jarvis how to fry Vulture without killing him. And Hulk, smash the furry man." Everyone turned but none moved. I turned "What are you guys---" I saw what they where looking at and tried to keep myself from laughing." Thor you gotta take your hammer back baby." He called Mjolnir back and the Sinister Six finally saw I had backup. "Fine then let's play that way!" Doctor Octopus yelled.

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