Chapter 5

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Still searching for Thor as I rounded the corner bumping into Bruce. "Whoa. Sorry Dr. Banner wasn't paying any attention." He looked at me concerned tilting his head to one side"You ok Roxxie?You look a little out of it to me." "Huh? Oh me I'm fine just have you seen Thor around I've been looking for him since we left HQ and I can't find him." He looked at me again still confused. " You want to find Thor I thought you hated him. But he's on the roof." I nodded my thanks and made for the roof.  

Opening the door it turns out Bruce was right there was Thor just sitting on the edge of the mansion. Walking over I stopped next to him and sat down like him on the edge. It was a long time before either of us spoke with me trying to formulate words and him just quiet then he said something. "Do you wish for me to leave this spot?" I looked at him. "No you were here first. I just wanted to ask you something." He looked at me to continue. "Ok why did you stick up for me today when Fury was grilling me about not taking a command from him or whatever? I mean I could have understood if maybe I was Tony or any one else but not me because I'm so mean to you." Thor looked at me looked down and looked back up. "I was um just doing..." He began to fade off like he didn't know why he did it. I was trying to think about what he was trying to get out when I felt hands touch my face softly forcing my head up. Thor held my face in his hands he then drew one of his thumbs over my lips. I nodded at him and he leaned in then softly pecked my lips with his. When we finally broke apart he just held my face looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. "How long have you wanted to do that?" I asked him feeling very happy. "The first time I saw you I just didn't know how to ask." Now I was confused if he liked me the whole time why did he say all that that stuff about me? "The day I told you I didn't like you I interrupted something. What were you about to say? If you do remember." He thought for a moment before nodding to show me he remembered. " I was saying that on my planet the girls that we are fond of we belittle and mess with. I had not known that here it was a rude thing to do because I am still learning Earth customs." I shrugged to show I didn't care anymore." So what does this make us now?" I asked him hoping I already knew the answer. " Whatever you want us to be. I want us to be together." I just leaned in again and caught his lips against mine again and we just kissed on the roof top as the sun set.

Waking up the next morning pressed against Thor on the roof top I pushed myself up into a stretch kneeing Thor making him wake up. " We fell asleep?" he asked. I nodded my head and leaned over to steal a kiss. "Yea I guess we did." Kissing me back we stood up to go inside making our way into the kitchen to be greeted by our team. "Good morning my friends." Thor said and I peeked around him waving my good morning as I stole a bite of Tony's cereal while I fist bumped Clint. Steve being Steve had to be confused because I came in happy with Thor." Wait you two are ok now? I thought that you hated him." Nodding my head as I stole one of Thor's pop tarts causing him to give me a look that I made go away with a quick kiss." Yes, Cap I think we are better than ok." I finished as Thor put his arm around me.

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